Toyota Episode III: The Steering

Started by Andy, February 10, 2010, 12:39:49 PM

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Looks like the recent accelerator and brake issues with Toyota cars has started a ball rolling of complaints on their vehicles.

The latest being around 80 people complaining on the electric power steering causing their vehicles to wonder.

Quoting: News Report
"If you take your eye off the road for a second, the car will drift into another lane,"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Linky

Although unfortunate for the imports this could be very good news for domestic sales as buyer confidence in Toyota gets thin.


83 complaints out of 874,000 sold.

try keeping your eyes on the road!  


Got a feeling the recent issues will breed the, 'i think my cars dangerous because...'

F Body

Well obviously GM & Ford are laughing all the way to the bank for the time being but ....................

I was talking to a senior media type person who works in London at the gym the other morning and he said that he thinks Toyota will emerge from this episode, stronger, more focused and competitive

My own opinion is that this is what happens when you take the driver out of driving and the car is just another white goods product.


There have been complaints that the Toyota recalls (and the fact they were forced to stop selling defective cars by the government) have not had nearly the coverage by the media that Ford and GM get.  Any coverage they do get has been passed off as a mere blip while a similar recall for Ford or GM would be seen as typical poor quality engineering.  Basically Toyota get a free pass by the media.

Having said that, I was amused that Chrysler were offering an extra $1,000 off a vehicle if you were coming to the end of a Toyota lease, way to stick the boot in!


Quoting: Incursus
83 complaints out of 874,000 sold.

There was 26 known accidentas due to the accelerator.... I guess it's the nature of the tarnished beast now


The most dangerous place in the world:

Travelling behind a Ford Pinto while in front of a Prius.

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
The most dangerous place in the world:

Travelling behind a Ford Pinto while in front of a Prius.

In a Chevrolet Corvair


Quoting: F Body
In a Chevrolet Corvair

I saw your original '99/03 Corsa' comment

F Body

Quoting: Fieldy
I saw your original '99/03 Corsa' comment

Well that was regarding the faulty ABS units which failed leaving you without any brakes

Besides what other car apart from the Corvair had it's own book " Unsafe at any speed "