Ladies & Gentlemen "THE" F Body.

Started by F Body, March 05, 2010, 06:54:29 AM

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F Body

Great day for a drive out in the Zee



Hey who gave you permission to park up outside my families estate!

F Body

Quoting: ianjpage
where is that ??

Well it's in Luton and it costs £905 per night


At £905 per night that wants to come with some EXCEPTIONAL 'room service'


oh. btw... NOWHERE in luton should cost £905/night... you could basically BUY luton for that !!!


Nice Location FB Car looks good as ever
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


F Body

Quoting: EDGE
NOWHERE in luton should cost £905/night...\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Supply & demand my man

F Body

God that is a good looking car

Even with 409bhp it felt well slow compared to the


Quoting: F Body

Supply & demand my man

rates are £220 - £850... unless I'm missing something

looks nice though...

just a shame it's in luton

F Body

Quoting: EDGE
rates are £220 - £850... unless I'm missing something

Halfway down the page under the heading "Mansion "- State Suite - Double £905

Well you know what they say about having to ask the price



Quoting: EDGE
Mansion   Double
State Suites £850

Psssh, that's only B&B, next table down dude


Oh and good to see it turn it's wheels, and not just in your garage!


Heck, while I'm on a roll, just noticed I broke 1000 and became a 'Ho


My friend took me there last summer, very nice.
Do have to book in advance for a cup of Tea though



Big Mouse

Its still annoyingly clean

I wish I had that much enthusiasm to clean my cars but a quick wash and chamois is all they get, rarely can I be arsed to do more than that although I might make an exception for tomorrow if I bring the F150 over to the meet for half an hour