How to drive into a rock fall !

Started by F Body, March 16, 2010, 03:06:54 PM

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F Body

Ever wondered why we think some American drivers are a bit thick

At least he wasn't driving a Toyota\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">



actually we could all of done that come round the corner get distracted by the cops and bang

if the police had any sense they would of had a warning round the corner


Quoting: Gator
actually we could all of done that come round the corner get distracted by the cops and bang

very true,

same goes for lane changing on a motorway, you look in your blind spot for a fraction of a second and the car in front decides to anchor it!! BANG... whiplash all round...

Big Mouse

Uhh, am I the only one who noticed he has very odd shaped man breasts


Quoting: Big Mouse
very odd shaped man breasts

Oh yeah...

Moobs alert...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Will the real Ned Flanders please show his man boobs