Another blow for Toyota/Lexus....

Started by Fieldy, April 14, 2010, 02:53:45 AM

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F Body

Oop's ain't gona do them any favours, the public must be starting to wonder if any Toyota vehicle is safe

Similar issues killed the Audi brand in America in the mid to late 80's


yup, audi were known as fireballs for years, the audi 90 almost killed them.

Lancia were finished in the UK and the US by the Beta.

these were single models that ended the marketplace for a manufacturer. Toyota have a lot to worry about..


It's only the last few years that Audis have become acceptable in the Us and that tends to be the more affluent younger guys (late 20s, early 30s) who want something other than a BMW.
Toyota has a very loyal following in the US, way more than Audi ever had, so I don't think it's game over for them, but I think they're not realising how harsh the media can be when you;re no1 as GM were for so many years.
Any successful company becomes a target as it sells papers...

F Body

Jeeze another 600,000 Toyota's being recalled because of corrosion\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


You couldn't make this up..... What is going on?!


Toyota 'quality' was more a product of marketing than reality.. the myth just expired.

F Body

Not forgetting that the only good news is bad news

So all the other manufacturers recalls are currently being ignored, but if this carries on the brand could suffer permanent damage


My 1991 Toyota MR2 was the most reliable (apart form that POS exhaust I put on it) and oldest car I have ever owned.

That car lead a hard life seeing 16k miles a year (including many intended side ways incidents) and until it met it's untimely end had barely put a foot wrong or cost me a penny (not counting consumables).

What really annoys me about this whole saga is that these supposed reporters seem to neglect to state that all manufacturers have recall programs that see just as many cars being recalled for just as severe issues. Toyota are at least being responsible and halting sales as opposes to many other manufacturers who just keep on selling cars and live with the cheaper consequences of a customer being killed when the car fails.

Firestone motor way tyre delaminating
Mini (BMW) petrol station spontaneous combustion
Peugeot ABS controller spontaneous combustion
Audi's bendy wheel rims

This is poor journalism publishing sensationalism to sell a story, if they had half a brain cell between them they would realise all manufacturers recall thousands of cars every year, then publish a full and accurate story. Instead these supposed journalist will continue to publish biased and frankly poorly researched stories they know the retarded public will lap up and worse still believe.


You can rant all you like about your 91 MR2, the fact is that in the USA Toyotas recalls have been largely ignored by the press while Ford, GM and Chrysler were all dragged over hot coals for the slightest thing with the articles always asking why they couldn't match Toyotas track record for quality, safety and reliability.

The pendulum has finally swung the other way and while I agree that it seems like people are jumping on the slightest thing, remember that GM et al were also unfairly singled out in the past and Toyotas growth was greatly helped by this fact at the expense of the big three.

Perhaps now people will realise that no car company is perfect, that the big 3 are not as far behind the Japanese as they have been led to believe and perspective is needed on problems and quality of cars from all nations (except Italy, cos they really are junk ).

F Body

Looks like the Toyota Engineers have been working overtime\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">

Makes you wonder why they didn't do it in the first place