Roadkill's 1983 Chevy Z28 - (Work Starts on Page 5)

Started by Roadkill, October 18, 2005, 01:33:36 PM

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Yeah, looks like they'll do the job . . . .


Quoting: F Body
Here's my 4th gen air dam

If you'd asked I would have taken a pic of the spare one in my garage that we took off the scrapper.  

Save you getting your weary bones down under there.....

F Body

Quoting: Rob
Save you getting your weary bones down under there.....

Getting down ain't the problem ( ask Management ) it's the getting back up again which is the problem

Besides I spend hours under there anyway

art b

Quoting: F Body
Going down ain't the problem ( ask Management ) it's  getting it back up again which is the problem  

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


The last box - the important one - has FINALLY been released from customs with, what I'm guessing will be, Mahoosive charges on it.

We'll see . . . I'm expecting the worse . . . .


Quoting: art b
Quoting: F Body
Going down ain't the problem ( ask Management ) it's getting it back up again which is the problem


Quoting: Roadkill
I'm expecting the worse . . . .

Good news - the package is at the MK depot and the charges are only £32 !

I'm gonna collect it tonight.


Quoting: Roadkill

Good news - the package is at the MK depot and the charges are only £32 !

excellent not too much at all then!!

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
Good news - the package is at the MK depot and the charges are only £32 !

Jammy Git

I always end up paying more than the parts cost


Quoting: F Body
Jammy Git

Indeed.  I'm assuming they didn't open it up after all !


Helicoil kit - needed to sort fooked thread in head - ordered !

Also, as  a mini update - I'm currently testing out crackle finish paint in preparation for spraying the new gauge cluster plate.


Quoting: Roadkill
Also, as a mini update - I'm currently testing out crackle finish paint in preparation for spraying the new gauge cluster plate.

Am having varying results with this stuff.

Really, REALLY glad I decided to test it out first . . . I'm on my FIFTH test plate, now - am trying various different combinations of layer thickness / delay and temperature . . . . . (the paint is temperature dependant)


Quoting: Roadkill
Good news - the package is at the MK depot and the charges are only £32 !


I was sweatin my balls off thinking they opened it and saw all the "extras" that came with the set of headers.

I thought the Carl T. Revaluation & Shipping Service might have to lay low for a while.

Glad they all got there unmolested Deano!!


Quoting: sixpack2639
I thought the Carl T. Revaluation & Shipping Service might have to lay low for a while.

The Feds are coming


Quoting: Roadkill, Posted: 15 Jan 2009 19:45:07
Titsy :\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

And\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Quoting: Titsy, Posted: 15 Jan 2009 19:59:34
I'll do some reading...  You would need to make your own dash panel though as the Autometer speedo and tach will not fit the one on eBay...

Turns out it's all your screw-up RK... Looks like you bought a different tach than originally planned too... the one you linked to was a 3 1/8" with chrome bezzel, the same as the speedo...


Not that I would've, or did, blame you for the cock-up anyway - but you're quite right on the Tach . . . Not sure why I ended up with the 105-1490.

I'm assuming the 105-1498 (I originally posted) is use-able ? - I can only assume I mis-read the lack of "electrical" in the initial description and / or remembered the guage plate incorrectly (more likely).


I have tow options . . . :

Either buy the 105-1498 Tach ($97.99) and fab a new gauge plate (no great loss there) And all guages bezels will match.


Buy a 3 3/8" Speedo (the 105-1480 -\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> ) $199.99 which will drop into the old plate AND match the bezel on the Tach.

$100 difference, but I wouldn't need to F*ck about with new plates (time is now a factor) . . .

The cheapest option is to go for the new tach and plate - I'll chat to PhilO tonight re a new plate . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
but I wouldn't need to F*ck about with new plates (time is now a factor) . . .

Depends how quickly Philo can fab a new plate...

If you can do a CAD drawing i'm sure he can have it punched out in no time...


Quoting: Titsy
Depends how quickly Philo can fab a new plate...


Quoting: Titsy
If you can do a CAD drawing

Trouble is we use LiCom (shudder) at work and my P.C is in bits in the garage at home . . . .


I can draw it for you if you like... I have AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and Alibre available to me...


BTW, have you got the link to those warning lights?


AutoCAD can export direct to .DXF which should be ample for a punch.

How big ya talking? What material?


Quoting: Andy
How big ya talking?

Dunno . . . . 400ish x 300ish x 2 mm

Quoting: Andy
What material?


Quoting: Titsy
BTW, have you got the link to those warning lights?

I've not 100% found a set, yet - will look again, later.

The initial rush is kinda pointless at the mo, anyway.


Quoting: Titsy
BTW, have you got the link to those warning lights?

I've had a look and I think the ones you posted will work best . . . They're only £2-something each.

2 x (Single) Direction, Green
1 x Full-beam, Blue
1 x Handbrake (!), Red
1 x Hazzard, Red - - - - - - ??????

Not sure on the Hazzard - Either that or flash both Indicator warning lights ? - Does my car even have Hazzards ??? - I can't remember !