Luton Emergency Services Kill two more people.

Started by F Body, June 05, 2010, 01:09:34 PM

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F Body

I don't know if I'm just sensitized following last years fire engine crash ( I'm in Crown court next month ) or the Emergency Services really drive like lunatics in Luton

Last night a Police car killed two pedestrians in Luton, eyewitness reports state the car was traveling at 70/80mph in a 30mph on just blue lights without sirens\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">



F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
The police do that around here...

F Body Management said last Monday that she was on the dual carriageway that goes through Luton Town centre in the outside lane ( 30mph limit ) and she was just going to move to the inside lane and out of nowhere a marked Police Galaxy shot up the inside of her going in her words " Like a bat out of hell without any blue lights or sirens "
It gave her quite a fright  

I'm unreliably informed that Bedfordshire Police only have a 1/2 day advanced driving course before they are let loose killing members of the public

F Body

Quoting: F Body
before they are let loose killing members of the public

The good old freedom of information act gives a fascinating insight into your local Police force\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

In July 2009 they hadn't killed anyone for three years\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Often frlash or hit the horn to local plod cars driven by 17yr old idiots.. all i get is a blank look.. TOSSERS.....

Must say its not all as some of them are very good at there jobs


while some class 1st are still very good, standards aren't always as high as you'd like to think, perhaps budget cuts mean they get less training than they used to?