To snow or not to snow ?

Started by F Body, December 18, 2010, 05:28:58 AM

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F Body

That is the question

Weather forecast can't seem to make there mind up

It was a rather chilly -6c out on the push bike this morning


We've got snow, and it sucks! about an inch in the last hour, before it wasn't setting much.

Just been out and chucked last nights ashes down the drive to give a bit of traction.

F Body

Been snowing in Luton for the last hour and the roads are getting gridlocked

Mind you it might help if they actually gritted them

Management is off to MK at 13:30pm, told her take some warm clothes and some blankets in case < or when > they get stranded on the M1


Light snow here in M.K for the last couple of hours . . . not very deep - about 1/4" but I didn't see the gritters out last night or the night before.


Just been out, ran out of milk and bread, needed the milk for the cup of tea after cleaning the drive after I decided I was going out...

Good fun out, learning to drive properly in snow a good idea. Took my sister bf and was demonstrating the high vs low gear approach. Also helps have a derv that pulls away in the snow.

F Body

Blizzard conditions here in Luton now

Management has just left for MK

art b

we have snow flurries here....
no worries really ive only got to walk 1/2 a mile to the local pub for the northants car meet xmas bash tonite....

theres no way i will be heading for any of the shops this weekend....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Blizzard conditions here in Luton now

Holy Blizzard Batman


they haven't been gritting the grid here either, but its "tyre track clear" according to my mum who has been out today.

as dean says though its only a very light dusting here at the moment, not 'Big Snow' like in your Pic...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Ok now it looks more a lot like your photo out my window...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Had just under a foot of the shitty white stuff down here this morning
Made the traction control work overtime on the caddy but managed to get of the estate and on to main roads that were not bad .... Only saw a chap in his tractor with a snow plough trying to clear the roads but NO Highways lorries/gritters in sight

I know what I will be doing at work on Monday... Refilling grit bins in the local borough council car parks that have been robbed out by people for there own use and not even bother chucking any around the car park its there for (Then the same will phone the council and moan there's no grit in the bins WTF)

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Management is off to MK at 13:30pm, told her take some warm clothes and some blankets in case < or when > they get stranded on the M1

She had to go and pick the\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Currently still crawling along the M1 at 5mph

Big Mouse

Traffic at a standstill at luton turnoff on the M1 due to a lorry incident? Hope she's home in the warm by now



well its 5 inch in the back garden now as just measured it, bit crap on the roads as we been out shopping most of the day and there is type width grooves to drive in and nice and slipy


Just had a friend pop in in her Sierra, she asked if I could help fit her snow chains as since fitting them last year she's lowered the car and needs a jack...

She didn't tell me she'd also change the wheels, thus snow chains that don't fit.

Nevermind, she's off slipping and sliding her way to Bushy from High Wycombe.

Roads are alright if you're sensible. The worst thing around here are the hills and somebody titting it up and then no one getting past.

F Body

Quoting: Big Mouse
Traffic at a standstill at luton turnoff on the M1 due to a lorry incident? Hope she's home in the warm by now

Somewhere near junction 12 at the moment, still the house is toasty and the fridge is full


Nice to see that Titsy's tackled that pile of mud in his front garden like he was gonna do . . err . . . months ago.

Still.  Looks nice in the snow.


All I can say is what a f***ing muppet:\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">

Why is it people turn into idiots when it snows. I passed three people sat spinning their wheels like morons on my why home earlier. One guy thought that shimmying the sheering wheel while spinning was somehow going to help. Myself and the queue of cars behind just waited for him to give up and when he got out to clear the snow from his wheels just drove past him at idle. He seemed quite angry at the fact that he's an idiot as we all drove past him sensibly...


Quoting: Roadkill
Nice to see that Titsy's tackled that pile of mud in his front garden like he was gonna do . . err . . . months ago.

Still. Looks nice in the snow

It's a snow drift, honest...


Yeap - had about 6 inches of snow in the end - spent most of the afternoon out shopping in the worst of it

Here's some pics - Ian's got one of my car - it looks odd under all the snow
Proof of the depth

Some people may remember the slate tree we have in the garden - this is what it looks like now

The garden in general


F Body

Quoting: F Body
Somewhere near junction 12 at the moment,

The M1 was closed because of the snow, forcing everyone to drive along the "A" and "B" roads.........only in the UK

Management came back via Woburn and Toddington, they got in around 20:20pm

F Body

Got to the gym at 08:00am and it was shut because the staff hadn't turned up
If I can get there on a push bike with road tyres, I'm dam that if they bothered to get out of bed they could get to work

NB : The roads are littered with abandoned BMW's & Merc's

So I did a 10 mile ride along the Luton to Harpenden bike trail, dam snow was 10" deep in places


Sammy's just headed off to Northampton to go to work . . . . . although I'll bet that half the people who work there who actually live in Northampton won't bother.

Quoting: Titsy
Why is it people turn into idiots when it snows.

It's not that the snow turns them to idiots . . . they're idiots anyway - snow merely empathises the fact that they're idiots.

Snow also brings out the laziness in people . . . Kids see snow and think they're automatically getting a day off of school - adults see snow and think they shouldn't bother leave the house !!