Japan will bounce back.

Started by F Body, March 24, 2011, 05:18:01 PM

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F Body

As I've said after the terrible tragedy in Japan, if anyone can recover they will

This road was badly damaged by the quake :

Despite all the other things going on, it was repaired in only six days

We can't even fix a pot hole



That's Japanese workforce for you though, they expect and make quality. Over here I swear the council just put road repairs out to the cheapest 'mick and paddy' style outfit. Cost over quality etc.

There's a pothole on the way to work, since December to last week, it's had its 3rd or 4th refill. Once should be enough!


Quoting: Andy
the council just put road repairs out to the cheapest 'mick and paddy' style outfit. Cost over quality etc

Thats is exactly what they do.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


holy crap, that's impressive.

The Japanese psyche dictates a bad job brings shame on the person who did it, hence the reason they do absolutely everything to the best of their ability (do a bit of digging into how the RX-7 was developed for example!)

over here we are more interested in punching out at the end of the day than the actual job done..

F Body

Some new footage of the Tsunami, it's beyond Biblical

http://www.youtube.com/v/_b-2iByqHVI\">http://www.youtube.com/v/_b-2iByqHVI\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


Quoting: F Body

Despite all the other things going on, it was repaired in only six days  

We can't even fix a pot hole

It was mostly a PR stunt.  But impressive none the less.

One of our factory's will be bulldozed and apparenlty back up and running in 3 months