Jethro Bovingdon crashes a £230k Ferrari FF.

Started by F Body, March 25, 2011, 03:15:20 PM

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F Body

Toby Bovingdons brother who works for CAR magazine\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


Talk about commentators curse!

What did he actually do? Doesn't look like he hit anything, more drove over something?


Big Mouse

He works for a car magazine. He test drives over priced very expensive cars. He presumably gets paid for it.

And then he asks "how did that happen?" when he kerbs a car. I think you'll find it happened because you drove into the kerb!! Listen to engine rpm around 1:03; it rises as the rear end loses grip momentarily just before the crunch

I've seeen women drivers less traumatised after bigger accidents

F Body

Quoting: Big Mouse
"how did that happen?"

I think it was the Sunglasses