They do things differently in the Netherlands ?

Started by F Body, July 06, 2011, 03:03:57 PM

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F Body

No doubt many of you will be familiar with the TV Show Britian's Worse Driver
The shows takes drivers who have passed there test and then tests there skills, or reality lack of skills

This clip is from the current Netherlands Show were one contestant identified as Pim mistook the accelerator for the brake, veered off course, took his hands from the wheel, covered his eyes, struck a car and ran down both a camera man and the show's host
By some small miracle, no one was seriously injured in the episode, though host Ruben Nicolai spent some time in the hospital as a result of Pim's excursion\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


Ignoring the moron in the drivers seat for a moment; did anyone else notice the stupid bitch in the back seat wasn't wearing her seat belt and as a result face planted the drivers seat. Skip to 2:30 and watch the slow-mo for when she bites a chunk out if the headrest...