Excuse of the century!!!!!

Started by philoldsmobile, August 03, 2011, 04:42:49 PM

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The Police phoned me to keep me informed on the progress of the case against the guy that caused the accident in June. His excuse / defence was that he never saw the line of stationary traffic because......

wait for it...............

he saw a spider, and froze in terror, rendering him unable to brake!!!


Did the spider happen to be perched on the McMuffin or whatever it was he was munchin'?


Gotta be one of the best defenses ever....

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
lying cant

Yep definately is a right Lying James Blunt...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


I dunno dude, a spider crawled across the sun visor last night while I was driving, I had to pull over and squish it with whatever I could find in the door pocket. It was so close to my face it looked huge!

Also, a huge moth once got shot out of the hater vent in an old car when I turned the blower up to 4, thing hit me clean in the face and I hit the brakes, opened the door and got out!  Fu**ing thing was the size of a sparrow, had to beat it to death with a shoe!!!

It doesn't take much to temporally freak someone out enough to cause an accident, no excuse, but it could happen.


I had to vere into a layby the other day while driving the van when some weird looking creepy crawley thing with wings landed on my leg, I was wearing shorts and it was yellow and green. No way was that thing spending any un-necessary time on my lap!!!

However, now-a-days it is easier to believe they were texting

art b

so therefore he has admitted driving without due care and attention....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


pretty much.. the police reckon it was the first time they had heard that particular excuse

Big Mouse


uh yes, I don't do snakes........ could be worse though, it could have been on the inside of the windscreen!!