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wheres HRC

Started by art b, October 04, 2011, 03:17:50 PM

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art b

anyone know where he is....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:





This evening I realise I haven't checked MKB in *ages* and log in to find this...

Art, you're on my xmas card list, lol!

Sorry guys, I'm still alive and Jeepin as a couple of you will know from Facebook!  

Which reminds me, my Jeep thread needs updating on here assuming I can ever find it, LOL!  

art b

well tbh.. i missed your posts,
always liked your sincere manner, and discusions always backed up with facts,

when things went wrong you told us how it was and you always seemed to be level headed and to the point,

good to have ya back.....
im even more sure this all makes sense reading your latest posts on your wrangler thread....

he he he ! pressure in future then..
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: