Isn't it great when..

Started by Jamieg285, October 11, 2011, 11:58:25 AM

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A tricky job goes really smoothly

Yesterday when I went to put the kids in the car I found that the outside door handle wasn't working anymore.

Last time I had this (drivers side), it took me more than 4 hours, with lots of swearing and cuts from working in the tight confines of the inner door.

Today, I went home at lunchtime, pulled the inner panel off, found the lock rod that had fallen out, found a brand new clip in the garage, go the old clip off, new one on, rod re-fitted (only dropped it once!), all back together working and back to work within the hour!!  And no split blood either

Why can't all my jobs be like this?


Oh and it wasn't all good news, I also noticed that my fuel line has rusted through and has a slight leak


Quoting: Jamieg285
all back together working and back to work within the hour!! And no split blood either

Quoting: Jamieg285
I also noticed that my fuel line has rusted through and has a slight leak

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Good work!!

Bad news about the fuel line though, does it look like a pig of a job?

F Body

Quoting: Jamieg285
Why can't all my jobs be like this?

I'd settle for just one job being like that