mkb verses the world

Started by art b, April 12, 2006, 12:47:49 AM

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i'm confuzzled... is that a guinness or a pepsi?

or have you mixed the two to make some sort of bizare fizzy stout?



holy poot, this is moving fast


faster than a speeding F body...


talking of f body, where is our resident one armed bandit?



Quoting: philoldsmobile
another  yer on a roll tonight Baz..

is it cheese and ham?

Cant be dealing with all the political bolocks (can i say that) just along for the laugh and talk cars...
and tities

Diarylea on toast MMMMmmmmmmmmm


Quoting: VIPER
can i say that

Say what the F*ck you like, Mate, you're always very welcome to.


its so much nicer when everyone talks cars and bollocks..

on the cars subject, did anyone else see that twin turbo Ram SRT10 that Baz was talking to the owner of?



Quoting: philoldsmobile
on the cars subject, did anyone else see that twin turbo Ram SRT10 that Baz was talking to the owner of?


Ok philo put little philo away he doesnt need polishing tonight just cause you heard the word turbo



Better if it was a RC 6 speed


mmmmmmm tubo... as in turbo trans am..

mmmmmm... TTA, the best car in the world, EVER..


this guy has a TTA and an astro.. truly blessed..


Hold on i just need to get my specs on!!!!!!!


Quoting: art b
but i cant see it being welcomed at the avo meet in lickhill manor would you?

Why on earth not?
Its a barbecue.

Granted its a big one, that happens to be mounted on a trailer, but in its most basic terms......its a barbecue. I'll be taking one. A little flimsy one, and i wouldnt have to think too long to figure which one has the highest risk factor.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
mmmmmmm tubo... as in turbo trans am..

mmmmmm... TTA, the best car in the world, EVER..

Terribly sorry my little pigletto....but youre SOOOO wrong.
You meant to say ' in GMC Typhoon'


Quoting: art b
until you have proven that it will not be a problem at other venues im sure its unreasonable to assume its just a personal attack on the mkb!

Sorry to join this one late, but I have an email conversation with Harry that makes it quite clear that this is purely vindictive against MKB.

I have tried to act as a mediator between MKB and Harry over this, but he has ignored all my requests for information on the issue i.e. what exactly is wrong with the BBQ, what complaints has he received.  Instead his replies have gotten increasingly irrate and attacking MKB.  

Have you seen his latest post on AACI M2M.  To say that is not is not anti MKB is outrageous, and is appalling behaviour from a club president.
I will not post the whole thing here, as it is on a private forum and I respect that is where is should remain, but I find the following phrase offensive

Quoting: Harry
I'm sorry but anyone who supports Sickos such as these three or four **** must have a serious problem.

Talk about tarring us all with the same brush.


Quoting: rebeltrucker
Quoting: art b
but i cant see it being welcomed at the avo meet in lickhill manor would you?

Why on earth not?
Its a barbecue.

Well we are happy to bring this to any event if we are made welcome


Quoting: philoldsmobile
on the cars subject, did anyone else see that twin turbo Ram SRT10 that Baz was talking to the owner of?

Was eyeing that up myself Sweet.

(goes and buys another scratch card)


Quoting: rebeltrucker

Quote from: art b
but i cant see it being welcomed at the avo meet in lickhill manor would you?

Why on earth not?
Its a barbecue.
At last, someone with some common sense.


Common sense ?

Oh, no - that's dangerous.

art b

Quoting: rebeltrucker
Why on earth not?
Its a barbecue.

Granted its a big one, that happens to be mounted on a trailer, but in its most basic terms......its a barbecue. I'll be taking one. A little flimsy one, and i wouldnt have to think too long to figure which one has the highest risk factor.

we know saftey is not the key issue!

the issue is that the entry paying public would not be happy with a woodburning fire,
burning for 4-5 hours,along side their tents,caravans or cars,and the nusiance factor of emmisions would not be entertained for long on a public campsite!!
how many of us want to turn up for a holiday and sit next to a bonfire,

as it was [wood burning,it will always be an anti social item,]
who wants their children breathing in smoke for hours on a campsite?

im sure if anyone ran it in their garden for hours the complaints would be the same !

as i suggested  if its accepted as a wood burning device,
running for hours on a public site then i would think you are justified feeling victimised,

but really the way i see it its the  attidudes of just a few on an open forums that bring you all the grief you get !

which other forums do the same?
public defamation, vindictive comments, against people with no right to reply, as in my original post???

send me some links i maybe missing something here!!

which is all fine if you enjoy it, but does it spoil the pleasure you get from the scene,
spoils mine thb

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


It's already been established that wood was not the best choice for fuel, and in future we will be using smoke free fuels.


Quoting: art b
we know saftey is not the key issue!

According to Harry it is.