Don't use Halfords - Luton. EVER

Started by Giblets, April 28, 2006, 08:44:49 AM

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The useless bastards have excelled themselves. I ordered an I-Pod adaptor for my Audi which included free fitment. They took payment and said they would ring in a couple of days when the part arrived to arrange a fitting date:

Cock up #1: After 8 days I called to see what was going on. They said the part had not arrived and would chase. No call back, so rang again 3 days later and different spotty twerp said that the part was actually here all along, so he booked me in for fitment.

Cock up #2: Arrived one week later for fitting. Work colleague meets me there and gives me lift back to office. Phonecall 3 hours later to say that they had ordered wrong part so couldn't fit it. Nobody checked this before booking me in, or letting me go and leaving the car there all day. I lose sense of humour spectacularly and they agree to refund me £17 on my card.

Cock up #3: Arrive this morning one more week later for second attempted fitting. Idiot manager has booked me in for 11am despite fitter not starting until 12 noon. Fitter rang and asked to come in early while I wait another half an hour. An hour after arriving another spotty twerp tells me that they don't have the pins to take my stereo out to connect the equipment and says "You're not going to kick the shit out of me are you?". Never one to hide my emotions I ask for the manager who offers me a £20 refund and free fitting courtesy of a company that can come to my office. I say that 2 hours of my time is worth more than £20 and that £40 would be a more sensible offer. He agrees, and now I'm waiting for a call from a different bunch of idiots.

Eventually I might end up with the product plus all of my cash refunded, but I tell you it isn't worth it. These clowns are an absolute joke and I urge you to avoid using them wherever possible.


I Don't use Hell-frauds - Anywhere. EVER !

(Except to buy de-icer - they do good 3 for 2's in Winter . . . )


I have been frequenting them a lot recently, but only for stuff that I know they have - tools, paint, anti-freeze, oil, etc.

Wouldn't bother with the more specialist stuff.


Quoting: Roadkill

De-icer - poof.

real men use scrappers  


Quoting: Jamieg285
Quoting: Roadkill

De-icer - poof.

real men use scrappers

Pfft I use my tesco's club card....hard core


Quoting: Incursus
tesco's club card

Tesco - poof.

real men use Costco

Lusty Lass

Quoting: Jamieg285
De-icer - poof.

real men use scrappers

As if you would know!! When I used to take you to the station in the mornings, it was always me who did the scraping whilst you sat in the car and watched me and I was pregnant at the time.  


Quoting: Jamieg285
Quoting: Incursus
tesco's club card

Tesco - poof.

real men use Costco

yeah?  well I usth my tounge


Quoting: Lusty Lass
As if you would know!! When I used to take you to the station in the mornings, it was always me who did the scraping whilst you sat in the car and watched me and I was pregnant at the time.


Quoting: Lusty Lass
As if you would know!! When I used to take you to the station in the mornings, it was always me who did the scraping whilst you sat in the car and watched me and I was pregnant at the time.


OWNED !!!!

Sammy Lou

Quoting: Incursus
yeah? well I usth my tounge