Another Beautiful Morning !

Started by F Body, June 02, 2006, 02:58:22 AM

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F Body

Fingers crossed for a good weekend

Mind you after just filling up the GMC which was 3/4 empty it has taken the shine off a little - £89


F Body

Quoting: Incursus
Seriously considering taking the Duster to Sunday's meet

I'll bring the tow rope


Quoting: F Body
I'll bring the tow rope

Tis a 70mile round trip though....might be cheaper to tow her


Quoting: Incursus
Seriously considering taking the Duster to Sunday's meet

You might want to sort out the wiring soon


Quoting: 55starchief
You might want to sort out the wiring soon

May as well do it all in one go when the engine comes out and Titsy sorts out the lighting module jobby


Quoting: Incursus
when the engine comes out

Only about 6-8 weeks before that happens then


Quoting: 55starchief
Quoting: Incursus
when the engine comes out

Only about 6-8 weeks before that happens then


At the speed the rest of the year has gone by so far...not long really :rubbinghandswithglee:



actually you might want to pull it a little sooner so that the engine bay can be repaired painted and wired so that when the motor comes it can go straight in and the old one sold off


Quoting: 55starchief
actually you might want to pull it a little sooner so that the engine bay can be repaired painted and wired so that when the motor comes it can go straight in and the old one sold off

Yeah this is gonna take some planning...


Does it have to go in straight away ?

May as well hold off and do the work after the weather has cracked.


Quoting: Roadkill
Does it have to go in straight away ?

well why not get it in before the summer ends, the cars not realy being used at the moment so alot of the basic work could be done and the barns fekin cold in the winter


Quoting: Roadkill
May as well hold off and do the work after the weather has cracked

Thats the plan, There still some shows to go to, plus I don't have any money to start anything, and no-one has the time to help atm.  probably start late August, early originally planed


If all goes to plan my end with the house/decorating/planning approval - I very much doubt I'll have any free time for this until around october.

Reason being as what I have planned is very much weather/daylight dependent.

With the house finished (indoors that is) - my Late Autumn/Winter is looking very clear for the first time in years !!!

Especially as I need to be limiting my spending in order to direct funds into the Cadillac shopping cart.


spare time is like spare money... there is never as much as you think there will be...

grab the opportunity to do as much work ASAP..