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Today at work

Started by 55starchief, June 07, 2006, 06:06:24 PM

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I love my job

Nothing better than having the big door open and kicking out some tunes off the ipod on a monster system


Dont those speaker in the top picture side down the wall?  


Quoting: Incursus
Dont those speaker in the top picture side down the wall?

if your gonna take the pi$$ check the spelling


Hey I hadn't yet finished my morning coffee  


And it continues today mind you battery on the ipod is getting low might not make it all the way through AC DC but hey its definatley LOUD


Well I almost got sent to Sweden to drive a Volvo c90?  back to England

26hrs on a ferry....possibly chock full of hot Swedish women.......bugger.


Quoting: Incursus
Well I almost got sent to Sweden to drive a Volvo c90? back to England  

26hrs on a ferry....possibly chock full of hot Swedish women.......bugger.

ALMOST isn't close enough my friend....


Boss was saying I should do it the long over a 1000miles


No.  The long way involves swimming the wet bit between here and there as well.


Battery is now flat had to resort to CD's


oh such a hard life, eh?


Yeah half naked polish girls running around the place today...the Sun is my GOD!!!!111  

F Body

I was worried for a minute there ?

Thought you might actually be working

Been fighting a rising tidy at work again recently , long hours , difficulties with statutory inspections/ HSE and the pending dismissal of an Employee have all been making life difficult.
Had a meeting with Big Boss this morning and he surprised me by asking  if I'd like to apply for an Executive Managers position ?
The down sides are more hours , more responsibility , more crap , more international travel , but the upside is up to a 60% pay rise , free car & petrol ( taxed ) and a 50% discount on fleet car as well.
So after careful consideration ( read looking at the bank balance ) I'm gona give it a go , it's not an open & shut case because they are going to run an assessment centre and quite a few other people will apply for the job.
Nothing ventured - nothing gained !

NB : I'm not planning to tell F Body Management yet in case I get blown out - so Mum's the word.


Quoting: F Body
NB : I'm not planning to tell F Body Management yet in case I get blown out - so Mum's the word.

Erm, you know she can view this section...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: F Body
Been fighting a rising tidy at work again recently , long hours , difficulties with statutory inspections/ HSE and the pending dismissal of an Employee have all been making life difficult.
Had a meeting with Big Boss this morning and he surprised me by asking if I'd like to apply for an Executive Managers position ?
The down sides are more hours , more responsibility , more crap , more international travel , but the upside is up to a 60% pay rise , free car & petrol ( taxed ) and a 50% discount on fleet car as well.
So after careful consideration ( read looking at the bank balance ) I'm gona give it a go , it's not an open & shut case because they are going to run an assessment centre and quite a few other people will apply for the job.
Nothing ventured - nothing gained !

Fair play to ya mate - hope it all works out for ya - a 60% incrwease - now that be very nice thank you !!!

Quoting: F Body
NB : I'm not planning to tell F Body Management yet in case I get blown out - so Mum's the word.

Hmm what happens if she looks here tehn lol

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
Erm, you know she can view this section...

Quoting: ianjpage
Hmm what happens if she looks here tehn lol

Laptop will still be down until at least Sunday , by which time it should have dropped off the page - if no one posts DOH !


heheh mental note  - must ho on this topic



I'm gonna be going for another job today, too.

It's exactly what I'm doing now . . . . Only they're paying £40,000 + Bonus + Car + Health Care.

I'm currently getting just over HALF of that . . . No car, No bonus and No Health Care.

Needless to say I doubt I'll get it but it just goes to show how crappy my salary is.


Ahhh the sun is shining, I have a beer in my hands and i've been surrounded by sunshine sheila's all day....if only the Duster wasn't 30miles away....still 3 out of 4's prettys good

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
I'm currently getting just over HALF of that . . . No car, No bonus and No Health Care.

Bummer Mate , I'm not going to disclose what my current retaining fee is ?
Let's just say I'm paying too much tax  

Doh ! back to the top of the page !


Well today sucked

Took a day off to fix the chavscort brakes, lets start with the wrong flexable lines followed by the new caliper being broken, add to this the fact i had already stripped the front brakes off the car. So now i have a car with no brakes and no time to fix them family comitments this weekend, billing next and stratford after that so i might get the car fixed end of the month.

Managed to squeeze it into an already stuufed barn but twisted my ankle mooving the bbq and broke my toe kicking the subframe that caused the injury.

Today sucks


Would now be a bad time to post a sarcastic comment ?



Quoting: Podette

Thanks for your concern luv