Staples to naples 2007

Started by philoldsmobile, June 27, 2006, 12:39:50 PM

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this still seems a good idea for some reason..Rafe has got me inspired..

who's up for a two or  three car assault next year? (entry permitting)

could enter a team of volvo's or lada's.... perversly though, reserch has proved that even grotty lada rivas go for considerably more than £100


giggady 1
giggady 2
giggady 3


Chances are I'll be back, providing I don't get banned from any countries on route this time.

I'm a good route finder despite my lack of mechanical prowess.


If the Chavscort survives another MOT, it could be bought on a Buy It Now by one of us on ebay for under £100?


so provisionaly.... rafe... wanna run with me in gigady 1? or re enter your team from this year in giggady 1 and i'll be on board giggady 2 ?

recon 3 people per car?  driver, one navigator and one pisstaker? (rotating shifts)

goggady 2 and 3 still need crew....



be nice to keep the cars the same, and there is an ample suply of escorts, but i reckon the volvo's are stronger, and the lada's more funky

having said that, the economy / comfort / reliability balance of the escort makes it a good candidate...


what is the time limit for buying the cars? how far in advance can they be purchaced?


I can't see my current crew returning for a second blast, so I'm sure I'll jump in with you lot next year.

I say we go seventies British Leyland and make a challenge of this.

First choice: Allegro
Second: Princess
Third: Maxi

1750 HLS all the way!


Some teams in it this year haven't bought a car yet. There's no rush wasting MOT and Tax.

Ours just couldn't be turned down as it is worth at least £400.

We haven't evcen booked hotels or ferries yet. It's all very last minute, although you need to be on point to get entered, as registration online filled up in 10mins this time!


hehehehe...i've always fancied a princess or ambasador!

dad had a maxi, and it was ultra reliable.... def. could be a contender!


It's just the British way to do things though isn't it.

Paint a big fcuk off Union Jack on the bonnet and hold up BMW's and Mercs winding slowly up the mountain passes of the Alps, flipping the bird to anyone who gives us dirty looks.

Kind of like the Italian Job, only without the crime element, and with shit cars.



what are the dates for this ? I warned Gemma about this earlier this year



its about october each year..

raafe is enterd this year, but entry is full...


yea, thats what i thought,



Well I only sold the Onion for £150 and I'm confident that would have made it.  Needed a couple of things fixing for legality but the engine seemed sound enough.


One question.

What happens if your car doesn't make it ?

Long walk home or - ?


This is the beast due to haul us over the Alps.

Note perfect colour match on drivers door!

Trying to work out whether to do cambelt before we go (£140 job), as it's probably due.


There will be transfers added to it this summer, plus some comedy Halfords stickers such as '2 Fast 2 Furious' and 'Ripspeed Motor Racing' etc.



We are talking October 2007 aren't we ?


Seems a completely stupid thing to do.

I'm interested.


Late September 2007, and cars MUST be bought for under £100, as they check for receipts if they suspect foul play.


Quoting: Roadkill
We are talking October 2007 aren't we ?

I think so, which is gonna be tight if we do the USA trip in september which is my main priority


Quoting: 55starchief
I think so, which is gonna be tight if we do the USA trip in september which is my main priority

Busy year, then.

Quoting: Giblets
cars MUST be bought for under £100

That's do-able.

I know a few in the trade . . . . Can easily do you a dodgy receipt !


Big cars always go cheap as no body wants them, that jag is £100 and i am sure that a big 7 series or old mercades could be picked up for about the same. The motors are always good for stupid high mileage, some of the electrics like the windows might nt work but at least your gonna be comfortable

like this bad boy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


on a drive that length, its gonna cost a good couple of hundred more to take the jag than an escort or volvo 340

lada is a viable option on simplicity grounds, they may be noisy and uncomfortable, but with about 6 moving parts, they rarely actualy break down in any serious way, they are after all designed for use in the ural mountains where garages and parts are scarse..

watch the plymouth - dakar (similar rules) lada niva's seem to win just about every year, and just about all that enter, finish it...