It's P!SS!NG DOWN !!!

Started by Roadkill, July 04, 2006, 11:24:19 AM

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Yup, Rain.

Well . . . That's Summer over for another year . . . Roll on 2007.


lol only for today / tomorrow apparently then it back to sunny weather!!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Just in time for me to drive the Duster home

Still made it back safely, bad lights, no front indicatiors and not the most effective wipers in the world

Don't think i'll risk the trip to Brackley tonight though...

On the bright side I love a good thunder storm

Just what we needed tbh



Quoting: Incursus
Just what we needed tbh

Yeah hope ti copmes this way as horribly muggy and sticky here


Quoting: Incursus
Noisy one aint it  

Sure is

I love thunder storms, I normally sit in my window & watch them if I'm at home
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

Sammy Lou


didnt get anything here, just a little rain

Sammy Lou


We had big thunder & lightning here too & lodsa rain

Sammy Lou

I got a bit wet running to the car and when i gggot to the car the rain stopped....


All gone & cleared up by the time I left work at 5.30pm would have like to have seen the lightning on the way home even if it spooks me


looks like nothing ever happend here... saw some awesome lightning though



nope absolutly nowt here



looks like it went almost directly over beds / cambs



Quoting: Incursus
Warehouse just flooded

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


we have it this morning although its a little on the weak side


you should have seen it in edinburgh on sunday !!!! it was like the fooking end of the world.... proper scary stuff... the rain was so heavy vivibility was down to less than 10m and the mist that came the next morning was like driving blind

wierd stuff



I got caught head on in that storm that hit Luton yesterday.

I was driving down the M1 coming back from the Midlands and could see the sky darkening as I passed junction 13.

As I neared Luton I could see forked lightning firing off all around, and then the traffic just stopped and all hell let loose.

I kid you not when I say the winds from the downdraght must have reached 80mph, as I had to put my handbrake on to stop the car moving.

I almost though I was driving through a mild tornado, but there was no significant pressure drop, so it couldn't have been.

Temperature did drop from 32C to 16C in 2 minutes though which was amazing!

So much rain fell that the M1 was like a river, and Lower Luton Rd was flooded all the way back to Wheathampstead where my office is. Glad I wasn't in the IROC.

Best thunderstorm ever!


This is a pic I took as the wind went nuts.

This is the state of Lower Luton Rd afterwards.


Damn, looks like I missed a good'un.

Didn't see any sign of storms on my way home, just a few damp patches when I got the Luton.  No indication of that sort of rain though.


I think the word is 'localized'!