Interesting day @ work today.

Started by F Body, July 11, 2006, 12:08:50 PM

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F Body

This morning we had a meeting in the Vauxhall boardroom of the ERECT Team ( Emergency Response something something Team )
We had a Pandemic Flu planning meeting with the local health authority , police and ambulance service.
I won't bore you with all three hours of the meeting , but some interesting facts did arise ?

It's not a question of if , but when we have a Pandemic Flu outbreak in Europe

It will only take an average of 6/8 hours after infection for symptoms to show !

Within 48 hours of the start of infection we would have over 50% of staff infected

After 48 hours it would take nearly eight weeks for things to return to normal.

A total of 349,000 people will be estimated to die from it in the UK following an outbreak  
But the ERECT Team will be alright because we are going to have the special flu jab to minimise the effects of infection because we have to run the business

Then this afternoon we took a body up to the Press Shop and throw it off the overhead crane from a height of 25m.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> and then phoned 999 to test the response.
This was done because of fears regarding suspension trauma , anyone working at height has to wear a safety harness and clip it on to an anchor point.
If they fall they will not hit the floor but will be left dangling 25m up in the air.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Our own Fire fighters/Plant Protection team got the dummy down in just under ten minutes after being called by telephone , that'll do for me\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


i really should take advantage of the flu jab, being asthmatic i get priority!


Quoting: F Body

huh huh he said erect huh huh huh


Quoting: philoldsmobile
i really should take advantage of the flu jab, being asthmatic i get priority!

That's what you think. No point trying to help the already weak.
Us strong ones will survive.

Nice to see whoever named the team was taking it seriously.


Quoting: Pod
No point trying to help the already weak.
Us strong ones will survive.

Ah natural selection at its best


Quoting: F Body
Our own Fire fighters/Plant Protection team got the dummy down in just under ten minutes after being called by telephone , that'll do for me  

Anyone called Phil?????????

F Body

Quoting: VIPER
Anyone called Phil?????????

It was Steve McDermott & Dave Powell who did the rescue , I think Phil would have struggled with his dodgy knee ?


Yeh he's knocking on a bit now........Don't tell him i said that..