There's probably a couple of P!ssed off Americans right now . . .

Started by Roadkill, July 16, 2006, 07:38:53 PM

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Got the manifold !!!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

I (manually) sniped it with 5 seconds remaining . . . now I'm shaking so much I can barely type !!!

There was 2 Guys battling it out - Bidding $5 here and $5 there . . . . Then like a Ba$tard I swooped in and nabbed it !!!

Works out as £237 ish . . . Which was cool as I'd prepared myself to pay £300.


Just need the 390ci crank and Rods and I'll be away . . . . .






Way to go mate, that was a very rare manifold and partnered with a 390 crank from that other site your gonna have an awesome motor


nicely done mr RK - thats the way to do it - nice high bid right at the end of the auction LOL!!!

art b

ya gotta love the buzz ebay biddin gives ya,
better than buying for a known price,
its addictive
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
ya gotta love the buzz ebay biddin gives ya,  
better than buying for a known price,
its addictive

Tell me about it, I'm in rehab.  


Well done buddy
Will certainly look cool under the hood of the caddy
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Just don't tell the guy that you plan on shipping it out of the country, some of them don't like stuff leaving the US, especially if it's rare.


Quoting: Jamieg285
Just don't tell the guy that you plan on shipping it out of the country, some of them don't like stuff leaving the US, especially if it's rare.

This is his reply - and I did say I was in the U.K.

Quoting: Seller
HI, Congratulations on your purchase. You will be the only one in the U.K. with one of these. U.S. shipping address will be great. Let me know as soon as you get it sorted out. If you have any more questions please contact me. THANKS, JOHN.

I've been lucky with Ebay . . . . Several transactions and no idiots.


Quoting: Roadkill
I've been lucky with Ebay . . . . Several transactions and no idiots.

Its always nice that, when people are genuine & helpful.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


He's right not many people will have one of those, might be a couple in historic racers with that caddy lump but not much else


Just paid for it !

All in with Insurance, packing and shipping - £251.

Bargain !!!


Thats going to look so cool on the Caddy with the Brood of Baby Demons residing upon it!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Gotta get it mirror-polished too . . . . that ain't gonna be cheap !



Quoting: Roadkill
There was 2 Guys battling it out - Bidding $5 here and $5 there . . . . Then like a Ba$tard I swooped in and nabbed it !!!

I hate it when people do that!



Quoting: MaryAnn
I hate it when people do that!

Business is business.


Quoting: MaryAnn
I hate it when people do that!

I never bid on anything until the last minute of the auction any more! I have had Ebay contact me 3 different times and tell me not to pay for an item as they caught the sellers having 2-3-4 accounts and bidding up their auctions to get a better price. If you bid at the last minute they don't have as much chance to do it. I'm not saying it's always like that mind, but there are some w**k**s in Ebay like everywhere else.