
Started by Roadkill, August 07, 2006, 11:07:32 AM

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Oh hell yeah that it super sweet, i hate to admit it but i would be more than happy driving that


If you could marry Automobiles that'd be the one.

. . . a Mercury "Mistress" moment . . .


Giggidy giggidy giggidy


yup, thats goregous
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


looks the same as every other old pickup to me...  

there are far prettier cars for that money...


Quoting: philoldsmobile
there are far prettier cars for that money...

still very nice tho
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


i dunno... the pickup thing has been done to death now.... not to mention the old ones were strictly utilitarian, not like todays uber pickups.

to me its like getting excited over a transit flatbed...


Quoting: philoldsmobile
not like todays uber pickups

What - Super fast (useless) Toys ?

Modern Pick-ups are Over powered, badly geared super cars with pick-up beds.  Stupid.  Take them on a muddy field and watch 'em get stuck.  Pointless.

Hardly Uber.  Very pretty, but truely useless.  If You want fast, buy a fast Car, if you want a work vehicle - Buy a (real) truck.

Quoting: philoldsmobile
its like getting excited over a transit flatbed...

Coming from a lover of Third Gen Camaros and now Mid 90's Mussies, I'd have though getting excited over commonly owned vehicles was normal for you.

If a transit ever looked that good, I'd sure as hell get excited.

Quoting: philoldsmobile
there are far prettier cars for that money...

"Beauty is in the . . . . . . . . . . . "