You couldn't make it up ?

Started by F Body, September 03, 2006, 03:40:55 PM

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F Body

Got home from the meet and put the Camaro into the garage, I then went to move the Panda back onto the drive in front of the garage.
I'd left it parked neatly in the road opposite our drive because we took both the Camaro & GMC to the Fancott Meet.
First of all I noticed the scuff marks and gourges right across the front off side alloy wheel, then the paint damage to the lower front spolier
Parked it back on the drive fuming, when the next door neighbour asked me what was wrong ?
Oh he said two blokes were driving down the road on a large motorbike, the bloke on the back was holding a rope which was attached to a largish trailer
I heard something and the bike had slowed right down near your car and the bloke on the back was swearing loudly, they drove off up the road !
So I now have damaged wheel, will have to buy a new plastic centre cap which will be £££ from Fiat and luckly only a small dent in the plastic lower spoiler ( the scratches T cut out ).
Suppose it could have been a lot worse, it took a big chuck out of the centre of the alloy wheel, if it had hit the side of the car would have been looking at a big insurance claim
Sort of ruined my day


He didnt think to get the plate on the bike then

F Body

Quoting: F Body
He didnt think to get the plate on the bike then

He aint that bright

Even if he had ? do you think the Police would be interested


B******ds!!!!!! Some people just have no respect for other peoples property....


bloody idiots, hope the dents comes out ok mate!


You're right, you couldn't make it up!!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: F Body
will have to buy a new plastic centre cap which will be £££ from Fia

£11.45 + vat  

I see another trip to Pristine Wheels after the winter


just be glad it was the panda rather than the camaro

F Body

Quoting: philoldsmobile
just be glad it was the panda rather than the camaro

Tis true but I love Managements\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>

and her.................
