RIP Steve Irwin (aka Crocodile Hunter)

Started by a91_formula, September 04, 2006, 03:31:26 AM

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Absolutely devastated/shocked about this news.

All our thoughts go out to his wife, Terri and children Bindi and Bob.

1998 Fiero GT (my toy)
2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8 (Hubbys new toy!)


The naturalist and television star Steve Irwin has died in a diving accident in far north Queensland. He was 44.

Police say he was stung through the heart by a stingray while diving off Port Douglas.

He was filming a documentary when the accident occurred around midday AEST near the Low Isles.

A helicopter arrived with paramedics on board to try to resuscitate him, but it was too late.

Cruise operator Steve Edmondson and his passengers watched on as paramedics tried to revive the television star.

"We are obviously very saddened by the news. It's a very unusual incident. We're all big fans of Steve Irwin," he said.

Irwin's body is being taken to the morgue in Cairns.

His family are believed to be flying from Brisbane to Cairns this afternoon.

Irwin, who was was born in Victoria in 1962, inherited his love of reptiles from his father.

His father Bob was a keen reptile enthusiast and moved the family to Queensland in 1970 to open a small reptile park on the Sunshine Coast.

Irwin took over the family business in 1991 and grew it into Australia Zoo.

In 1992 he ventured into television, making the first series of the Crocodile Hunter.

When the program aired in the United States, he shot to international fame.

Irwin is survived by his wife Terri and two children.
Nature lover

In 2003, he spoke to the ABC's Australian Story about how he was perceived in his country.

"When I see what's happened all over the world, they're looking at me as this very popular, wildlife warrior Australian bloke," he said.

"And yet back here in my own country, some people find me a little bit embarrassing.

"You know, there's this... they kind of cringe, you know, 'cause I'm coming out with 'Crikey' and 'Look at this beauty'.

"Just say what you're gonna say, mate. You know, is it a cultural cringe? Is it, they actually see a little bit of themselves when they see me, and they find that a little embarrassing?

"I'm fair dinkum, like kangaroos and Land Cruisers, winged keels and bloody flies! I think we've lost all that. I think we've all become very, sort of, money people."

He also spoke of his love for surfing.

"You get out there, it's just you against the waves.

"There's no paparazzi, there's no fan base, and it gives me a chance to recuperate and regenerate.

"I think I've actually got animals so genetically inside me that there's no way I could actually be anything else.

"I think my path would have always gone back to or delivered me to wildlife. I think wildlife is just like a magnet, and it's something that I can't help."


I was shocked to hear that this morning on the Radio,
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
I was shocked to hear that this morning on the Radio,

Yeah same here mate - very sad to hear that - always a good laugh watching him


WOW! That is shocking! I always figured he'd get done in by a crock!
Weird that it was a stingray as they are usually such doscile creatures.


Quoting: sixpack2639
Weird that it was a stingray as they are usually such doscile creatures.

Yeah we've been talking about this at work today and apparantly its an automatic reaction if they are touched in a certain place on the back or something.  Thing is he knows crocs too well, it almost makes sense that it would be somehthing that, as far as I know, he's not so used too.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
Thing is he knows crocs too well, it almost makes sense that it would be somehthing that, as far as I know, he's not so used too.

Definitly a valid point but you know how it is when someone knows something too well, they get sloppy and make mistakes.


At least he died doing something he enjoyed and trying to educate others


Quoting: 55starchief
At least he died doing something he enjoyed and trying to educate others



Quoting: sixpack2639
Quoting: 55starchief
At least he died doing something he enjoyed and trying to educate others


Too true
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

RIP Mate the world is a worse place for losing a nutter like you !


very sad...

being stung in the heart doesn't sound like a nice way to go either.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
being stung in the heart doesn't sound like a nice way to go either.

Thats one way of putting it!!!