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Cmons ?

Started by F Body, September 13, 2006, 02:41:25 AM

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F Body

See if you can guess what these little Fella's are advertising ?\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

F Body

Well it's way above my head, or should that be way below my age ?

It's aimed at UK 20 somethings who want to buy a new car and the start of a £10 million campaign in magazines, radio & television ??


ah i thought it was aimed at those waiting for our forum pages to load c'mon

F Body

Quoting: 55starchief
ah i thought it was aimed at those waiting for our forum pages to load c'

Just had a 16.9



Quoting: F Body
It's aimed at UK 20 somethings who want to buy a^nother new car ??

That's ME !!!

I still don't get it, though.

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
I still don't get it, though

Phew I thought it was just me being err " old "

F Body

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

The new ****************** is an extraordinary car. That is why we have created an extraordinary marketing communications campaign and to help us promote the New ******************* we were able to sign a band with five really edgy members: The C'Mons.
They have their own fansite with videos, music, biographies and merchandising.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

And on top of that they've produced some really funny clips for you to watch, download and forward.
For instance with the band member Red who's mission it is to put an end to all of the kitschy stuff that hangs from rear view mirrors in cars across Europe. Click on the link above and then visitthe 'Downloads' section.

Now you might ask yourself: How do the C'Mons. link to New ************* ?
Trust me, in a few weeks from now everything will be resolved. It's our target to conquest new and younger customers with New ************** and this new "viral" form of communication helps us with that.
So don't tell them it's ****************, just yet.

Viral communication ? Isn't that HIV



F Body

Well of course it's a GM car becuase even Ford aren't this barking ?


Quoting: F Body
Well of course it's a GM car becuase even Ford aren't this barking ?

so it will end in an A then

F Body

Quoting: 55starchief
so it will end in an A then

and starts with a "C" for the lunatic who dreamt up spending £10m on it



I see this campaign is now in full swing


Quoting: 55starchief
I see this campaign is now in full swing

It makes me switch channel every time it comes on.... I can't stand it!

F Body

Quoting: 55starchief
I see this campaign is now in full swing

Lucky that I don't have time to watch TV then


Seen it once.

That was enough.