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Started by Sammy Lou, November 07, 2006, 07:33:28 AM

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Sammy Lou

what about doing a charity fund raiser for christmas this year all monies to go to a charity of titsys choice as he gave me the idea in a pm


For reference, here it is...

Quoting: Titsy
While I respect everyones beliefs to follow whatever religion they choose to, or choose not to; I do think that Christmas or Yule or whatever you want to refer to it as has become very commercial. There are great expectations put upon people with regard to gifts and the like. I for one find this very depressing, and believe that this element of this time of year has been driven by retail to make us all spend more.

I have personally asked my family and will ask my friends that if they were intending to buy me a gift not to. Don't get me wrong, it's not that i'm ungreatful, it's just that I would rather people put there money to better use. I don't really want for anything, and would rather that if someone wanted to buy me something then they give money to charity. Sadly, I don't think that it would be recieved very well if I were to do the same for others, which kind of supports my point.

It would be nice if this time of year was JUST about being with your friends and family, and sharing each others company, but I think those days are lost...

Sammy Lou

F Body

The F Body family support :

SADSUK\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">   and

British Heart Foundation\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

My first choice would always be SADS becuase life is very tuff for the smaller charities and they do some excellent work !


sounds a very good idea, as for chatritys - how about a local one to MK?


Quoting: ianjpage
sounds a very good idea, as for chatritys - how about a local one to MK?

You might be on to something there...

Sammy Lou

yeah that sounds good what a bout willen hospice


I was going to suggest a local-ish one.

And a smaller one, too.

If think we've left it a bit late for this year but it IS something which could be intergrated into the forum/website for next year and given the attention it deserves.


Quoting: Roadkill
And a smaller one, too.

Indeed, many people have no idea when they donate money how much actually gets to the people who need it. Some of the larger charities spend more on admin than they do on giving. Other charities like batisy dogs home actualy have more donations than they can spend. Local cottage hospitals,hospices and some of the smaller childrens charities get my vote

Sammy Lou

Quoting: 55starchief
Indeed, many people have no idea when they donate money how much actually gets to the people who need it.

good point, any other ideas?


Quoting: Sammy Lou
good point, any other ideas?

Quoting: 55starchief
Local cottage hospitals,hospices and some of the smaller childrens charities get my vote

also you could try contacting local authorities to see if they have a 'in need at christmas appeal'

Sammy Lou

Quoting: 55starchief
also you could try contacting local authorities to see if they have a 'in need at christmas appeal'

good thinking batman


Next issue.

The fundraising ?

Sammy Lou

we need to try something different


You might find that donations of toys etc  are needed rather than money

Sammy Lou

Quoting: 55starchief
You might find that donations of toys etc are needed rather than money

thats a fab idea buy an extra pressie and give it to a kiddies home


So does this mean i have an excuse to go to the early learning center and toys r us  

Sammy Lou

Quoting: 55starchief
So does this mean i have an excuse to go to the early learning center and toys r us

you dont normally need an excuse


Quoting: Sammy Lou
you dont normally need an excuse

yeah but i do get strange looks

Sammy Lou

Quoting: 55starchief
yeah but i do get strange looks

thats nothing new


Quoting: Sammy Lou

Quoting: 55starchief
yeah but i do get strange looks

thats nothing new


Nice idea. count me in

Got no ideas atm though cos my brain hurts after a day on CAN and LIN training


Quoting: Incursus
CAN and LIN training


Quoting: ianjpage
Quoting: Incursus
CAN and LIN training\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


ahh right ok thanks!!! more consufed than before now