What's on your desktop ?

Started by Roadkill, November 21, 2006, 05:30:42 AM

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ie.  What desktop background have you got ?

I seem to recall this was done years back on some other forum so though it'd be something to do here . . and now.

Here goes.

HOME (my Caddy when she ran out of petrol on the C.A shoot)

WORK (mainly cos my Caddy picture got lost when my PC had a fit)


simple but effective the MKB logo centered on a black desktop


Work machine has got the company corporate backgound on.

Home pc has my cobra & my mate shanes GT when we did a photo shoot on top of a hill.......

http://www.yanksrule.co.uk/cars/svt/sept05/HPIM3397.JPG\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]http://www.yanksrule.co.uk/cars/svt/sept05/HPIM3397.JPG\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>



F Body

Until last month I had this picture on my lap top at home and at work :

But big brother GM has removed by illegal link to the picture and now I have the same picture as everyone else in Europe

I am just a number


Quoting: F Body
But big brother GM has removed by illegal link to the picture and now I have the same picture as everyone else in Europe

That sucks hard.


have to love that mission statment


This is my desktop at work & at home
Taken at La Manga in Spain

http://www.yanksrule.co.uk/photos/holiday/spainoct06/Vickys/DSC00147.JPG\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]http://www.yanksrule.co.uk/photos/holiday/spainoct06/Vickys/DSC00147.JPG\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>


Quoting: Amey
Taken at La Manga in Spain

(Where the horizon isn't horizontal)

Pretty, though.


Quoting: Roadkill

(Where the horizon isn't horizontal)

Thats the spanish for you mate, cant build anything proper. Probably sub standard foundations


Mine changes every day so I don't have to look at the same thing all the time. It's a screen saver/ desktop program I bought from http://www.azurebay.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.Azurebay.com Has Nature scenes, Wildlife scenes, and Plane, Train and Automobile scenes.


Quoting: sixpack2639
Plane, Train and Automobile scenes

Cool film - only watched that a week or so ago.


A photoshop of the hopeful end product (not sure about the colour though? any thoughts, wanted black but the panels are too crappy)


Quoting: Mustangus
any thoughts

Not THAT green !

Maybe a darker one - but not that one.


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


whats slightly concerning is this...

Have a few almost accidents Martyn???...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: Roadkill
Not THAT green !

Maybe a darker one - but not that one.

Yeh I asked the guy who did it to do it in red which he did but then had a play with some other colours like...er....purple. Think red would be cool

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
Have a few almost accidents Martyn???...

Ask anyone in safety ( who's qualified ) will tell you the ratio of near misses to actual accidents is approx 30 to 1.
i.e for every injury accident that occurs 30 people have a near accident ( Near Miss ) therefore focus on near misses and you prevent accidents from happening ( aledgely ).
One of the founding specialist safety professionals called " Heinrich " first devised the ratio in the early 1900's , subsequent studies right up to the nineties have verified it to still be accurate
Just one of many tools ( no not the Managers ) we use to try to stop people killing themself at work.
Incidently did you know that your 12 times more likely to die in an accident at home than at work


At work I have our Stang on the Start line at Santa Pod, and at home I have a picture of the back of a maserati with the boomerang lights


Quoting: F Body
Ask anyone in safety ( who's qualified ) will tell you the ratio of near misses to actual accidents is approx 30 to 1.

I believe there's a ratio of "unreported" to "minor" to "serious" to "serere" to "death".

We have about 1 minor a week and at least one "major" one a year . . .


F Body

Quoting: Podette
I have a picture of the back of a maserati with the boomerang lights

I think that they were one of the best design features of the Maser, but the stupid Yanks ( Maser buyers ONLY ) didn't like them so they got dumped


Adorning my desktop is the first photo I took when I landed in Barbados in 2003 for our honeymoon.

If you can't see it:

http://yanks.fotopic.net/p36327344.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://yanks.fotopic.net/p36327344.html


ANOTHER place where the horizon isn't horiziontal . . . Bleedin Beaners again, I'll bet.


Quoting: Roadkill
ANOTHER place where the horizon isn't horiziontal . . . Bleedin Beaners again, I'll bet.

thats quite worying the water is angled towards the beach, sure sign of flooding