Get well soon.

Started by F Body, December 11, 2006, 07:44:49 AM

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F Body

Sorry to report that our web master Jamie is a little under the weather.
Get well soon mate, we have a Camaro to strip


Is it 'Man Flu'?

Get well soon mate...

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
Is it 'Man Flu'?

Well whilst trying to be descreet , it's a problem at the other end


Quoting: Titsy
Is it 'Man Flu'?  

I heard a definition today that can aid you in determining whether or not you have flu...

"Would you cross a large room to pick up a free £50 note..." if the answer is no then you have flu...

personally i'd always do this so am destined never to have flu...

Get well soon though Jamie
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


sorry to you under the weather - hope ya get better soon matey


Quoting: F Body
Well whilst trying to be descreet , it's a problem at the other end

So - A Severe case of Liquid Farts, then.




Quoting: F Body
Well whilst trying to be descreet , it's a problem at the other end

That's called OVERSHARE mate!

Get well soon Jamie!!!


Get well soon mate, nowt worse than feeling bad


get well soon Jamie..  


2nd bout of gastroenteritis(sp?) in 2 weeks, and this ones worse than the 1st time.

Thanks for the best wishes.


Hope it 'passes' soon mate.


I'll get me coat.


Quoting: Giblets
I'll get me coat.

Don't bother.... We'll send it in the mail....