So Is This Place....

Started by Fieldy, December 15, 2006, 06:17:16 AM

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.....All it is cracked up to be???

I have come accross you guys through RoadKill over on, He is always saying its a good forum, so, I thought I would come and see what all the fuss is about, oh, and say hi



LOl well have fun, post away and enjoy!!!


Yup we have way to much fun



Yep, T'is a good forum alright.

No axes to grind, little politics and lots of laughs.

We began as a "Local" affair but thanks to our Wiltshire, London and Cambridge "extensions" cover most of the country with the MKB Gospel.

Also we have a few US visitors who kindly give us the benefit of their wisdom.

In short



cheers guys.

Does much happen in the central area of London then?

It does seem to be a good laugh after reading alot of the past posts.


Quoting: Fieldy
Does much happen in the central area of London then?

Why go to central London when Krispy Kremes is in North London ?


Quoting: Fieldy
Does much happen in the central area of London then?

well we kinda have edge as an MKB representative


We did discuss a trip to the Ace Cafe briefly, but it got discounted cos there was too much on.  I'm sure the suggestion will resurface sometime.


Quoting: Jamieg285
I'm sure the suggestion will resurface sometime

The New year Hang-over meet on Jan 1st.


yeah, I met him once at the 1st Krispey Kreme meet, was A great morning that, although, due to calender commitments thats the only meet I have made of that one.....Hope fully I can get to more next year.


The Ace Cafe....

I tried to look into sorting something out there, but found it extremely hard to find anyone there who could help me work anything out.....would be a great place!

RK, You heading out there on the 1st are you?


Quoting: Roadkill
The New year Hang-over meet on Jan 1st.

Mmm, we have guest's over New Years Eve, so not sure what our availability is.   I can suggest it and see what the response is.


Quoting: Fieldy
RK, You heading out there on the 1st are you?

Maybe . . . I'm planning to be "On the Wagon" in January so should be in a fit state to travel .

Depends if any others are heading that way . . . . PhilO did mention something on Friday night so . . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
Maybe . . . I'm planning to be "On the Wagon" in January so should be in a fit state to travel  .

Yeah, but the night before is still December  


I think theres a plan hatching

I'll be around that day, no plans, am in London on new years on my own as the g.freind is away, soooo, any plans would rock!

I havent seen you since that K.Kreme meet, and PhilO since the classic car show so would be col to tag along


I didn't realise it's a morning meet, so we probably won't be doing this one.


Quoting: Jamieg285
I didn't realise it's a morning meet, so we probably won't be doing this one.

It's not . . . . I thought it was in the evening . . . .


9am according to their website.


Hmm will be in cambridge for new years


Quoting: Fieldy
yeah, I met him once at the 1st Krispey Kreme meet, was A great morning that, although, due to calender commitments thats the only meet I have made of that one.....Hope fully I can get to more next year.

yeah yeah... the old "busy at work " routine... we all know it

its all a bithectice at the momment at KKs, Ive stopped the meets until probably April, when itsa teeeeeeny bit warmer...

be great to see you both there again



Quoting: EDGE


Is that even English?



Quoting: Roadkill
Bit hectic ?

well thats what i read it as


yup.... damn wireless keyboard