A Bit Sodding Chilly this Morning weren't it ?

Started by Roadkill, December 19, 2006, 05:01:58 AM

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The chav'scort was frozen solid . . . . judging by the rapid temperature rise after starting, probably quite literally SOLID !!!

She drains water out so fast now there's hardly ever any left in the heater section of the system so leaving the car running to clear the windows doesn't work.

It means if I want heaters I've got to "top her up" EVERY morning !!!

I hope she blows up soon.


Ahh not good at all then - poor ol car.....

Was "chilly" down here today and majorly foggy but (thankfully!) not frozen!


Just light dew on my chavscort up here when i went to start it at 8:15


Lightly frozen here.  Couldn't open the window for about 15mins.


Quoting: Jamieg285
Lightly frozen here. Couldn't open the window for about 15mins.

I couldn't open the Door !



Quoting: Roadkill
I couldn't open the Door !

How did you get in then


Brute force and ignorance !

Seriously, though, the Chav'scorts water leak has now become severe . . . .

Having just filled her up I notice it's gone from a steady but slow drip to a constant, fast drip . . . . I'd guess she's losing about a litre per HOUR at this rate.


Had my car showered in rock salt by a gritter coming the other way on my way home last night....

It went all up the bonnet and windscreen... Although I suppose i'd be more pi$$ed off if i'd put my car in a ditch cuz it was icey this morning...


The oil leaks are also picking up speed . . .

F Body

Quoting: ianjpage
Was "chilly" down here today

Was ???????

I've just looked across the road to the Vauxhall garage and all the cars on the forecourt are still frozen over at 12:50pm


Quoting: Roadkill
Having just filled her up I notice it's gone from a steady but slow drip to a constant, fast drip . . . . I'd guess she's losing about a litre per HOUR at this rate.

thats what they invented silicone sealant and chemical metal for, just bodge up those leaks


Quoting: 55starchief
just bodge up those leaks

It's hard to tell where they're coming from . . . . .

I thought they were the water pump seal going as they appeared to be coming from behind the pulley . . . . . but after all this time I'm guessing it's a gasket gone . . . .

Either way it'll mean fekking about, removing the water pump (so may as well replace -- as it'll break on removal) then new gaskets and fekking about with the cam belt (which is also due a change).

I'll try throwing some more leak fix/egg whites/pepper corns . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
I'll try throwing some more leak fix/egg whites/pepper corns . . .

yup a combination of all 2 should help keep it running long enough to get it to a garage as a trade in


Quoting: 55starchief
yup a combination of all 2 should help keep it running long enough to get it to a garage as a trade in

I want it to last to early feb, ideally, as that be the worst of winter out of the way and also the tax'll be due on it as well.


Quoting: Roadkill
Seriously, though, the Chav'scorts water leak has now become severe . . . .

Having just filled her up I notice it's gone from a steady but slow drip to a constant, fast drip . . . . I'd guess she's losing about a litre per HOUR at this rate.

Ahh not good at all!!


That bleedin' smiley is really irritatig me, now.


Quoting: Roadkill

That bleedin' smiley is really irritatig me, now.

what this one




Quoting: ianjpage
ok ok its on the list so ill stop it now

Mmm, time to start a counter campain  

So many to choose from....


Quoting: Jamieg285
Mmm, time to start a counter campain

So many to choose from....

lets nto!!!