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Started by 55starchief, December 20, 2006, 05:59:41 PM

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F Body

That's nearly 40 posts only 125 left !

Go get em boy's

F Body

Sorry last post before I go to the gym ?

Titsy's ass is mine :

F Body 475  
Titsy 472  

I wouldn't have mentioned it but i know he'll look anyway

and I'm still full of post


You'll win this one I'm sure, but I'll have a go anyway...

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
You'll win this one I'm sure, but I'll have a go anyway...

Umm they said you were trying

There's another 11 hours left yet


Yeah, but I'm off to finish shampooing the inside of the Camaro in ma mo'....


Quoting: F Body
There's another 11 hours left yet

and I think you mean 13....

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
and I think you mean 13....

Thought it was 1:00pm

This sort of thing happens a lot when you get to my age


Right, off to finish shampooing the inside of the 'maro.... 5th place is only 4 post away F-Body.... Enjoy....

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
5th place is only 4 post away F-Body.... Enjoy....

Why I thank you kindly Sir !

Make sure there's some mince pie's left


Quoting: F Body
Make sure there's some mince pie's left

F Body

Well it's customary when leaving a forum room to leave something for the next poster , mind you RK hasn't left much in the 10K room so I'm told


errrr... have you started on the beer early

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
errrr... have you started on the beer early

Nope I've been tea total since Thursday night when I tried to keep pace with my Mother in law ?

The words "fish" & "water spring to mind


F Body

Quoting: Titsy
5th place is only 4 post away F-Body.... Enjoy.

I'm thinking 4th place would be better


You just took the #4 spot F-Body....

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
You just took the #4 spot F-Body....

Shsss - I don't think Jamie has noticed

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Shsss - I don't think Jamie has noticed

Umm 67 and I'm third

No that is too much Ho'ing even for me


Quoting: F Body
Shsss - I don't think Jamie has noticed

I have now, but may not be able to claw it back

We're expecting guests any time soon, and at the moment Alex is asleep in my arms, making typing very akward.


Deano is AWOL today cuz his PC is shot.... Ian is at Dean's..... And Graeme is in Cambridge.... So go nuts and take whichever spot you want...


Quoting: Jamieg285
at the moment Alex is asleep in my arms, making typing very akward.

A true 'Ho....


Aha, managed to dump him in the cot without waking him up.  

Back to full speed now.

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
So go nuts and take whichever spot you want...

Jeeze I'm just about of post !

Quoting: Jamieg285
Back to full speed now.

DOH ! Back to the keyboard !


We only need a few more posts....

F Body

Yes four more and we are there

Would you like to make the official announcement ?