Went down to see the 'wiltshire contingent' today..

Started by philoldsmobile, December 27, 2005, 11:20:03 PM

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not that much to report really, all are well, had a nice lunch, and even took vickys thirdgen for a spin, as it hadn't moved in 3 months!



hehe yeah was nice to catch up today mate, and i think phil enjoyed his drive in a REAL IROC lol!!!!

hmm astros kick arse in teh snow - explain pleae :D



hmm ok think i get where you going lol!!

gunna have another go at that f*&"£&("( radio wiring tonight!!!



nope, check the wiring on other speaker and guess wot.....................friggin different colour wires again to any of the ones on teh plug!!!!!!!!!

Im wondering now if it has some form of amp in there they all go to then change colours???


perhaps Mr Redbourn may be able to help? perhaps there is some sort of wierd jap spec wiring.

seems odd though that they'd change something like that for the jap market..

remember me telling you i had greif fitting a stereo in a jap spec hi-lux surf? i had exatly the same issue, non sensical speaker wiring..


yeah and hindsight is such a wonderful thing int it!!!

Ho hum - email off to dave then and seeing as i not had chance tonight have to be tomorrow now!!!