New Years Resolutions ?

Started by F Body, December 30, 2006, 08:31:47 AM

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F Body

It's that time of year again when we all promise to make improvements to our life ?

OK here's mine :

1 / I need to loose 3kg in weight because I'm turning into a Bat Fastard !

2 / Going tee total again until the show season starts May/June 2007.

3 / Doing more to keep the kids fit ( tried flogging them that didn't work ) Senior F Body Kid's idea of exercise is turning her Ninendo on

4 / Really need to get a new job, the current one is convienient and the the pays OK, but GM are just completley pissing me off. Permission to go to the toilet Sir

5 / Gotta get some money together for my new engine.

I'm sure that there are loads of other things I should be doing, but I'm old and senile



1) keep the weight off
2) Finish the Duster or go bankrupt trying
3) Learn Polish
4) Get laid (see above)  



1) Get to the 14 st. mark.
2) Start doing Karate again.
3) Stay sane.
4) Stay alive.

Sounds quite simple but believe me there's one or two what'll be as hard as hell.


Quoting: F Body
( If I didn't go to the gym every day I'd be Fubar )

Gee thanks...  unfortunatly its true though which is why resolution No.1 is:

1 - get to either 12.5 stone or stay 14st but with a significant BMI shift away from bat-fasta'd-ness
2 - Pass my final year of my AAT Qualification, this is actually more important than the above because its the preliminary step in my ability to move out of my folks place and a few other things
3 - Not to stay single as its getting really boring (see no. 1 as a preliminary to this!)
4 - Have 2 months of the booze during the year.
5 - Have a (cheap) Holiday
6 - Get a payrise / new job (will require completion of no.2)
7 - Pay off Credit Card / Save Money
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
3) Stay sane

I think you may have missed the boat on this one

Quoting: FUBAR
Quoting: F Body
( If I didn't go to the gym every day I'd be Fubar )

Sorry Mate may be I was a bit blunt

Quoting: FUBAR
3 - Not to stay single

Funny I can't afford to be single.

Quoting: Incursus
4) Get laid (see above)  

See above


Well mine seem to be the same as everyone elses

1) new job (already working on this and will send the application on tiesday)
2) Not to be single
3)Finish the 55
4)Finish the T/A and hand pods ass to him on a plate

F Body

Quoting: 55starchief
)Finish the T/A and hand pods ass to him on a plate

The MKB posse are waiting for this one, I really want to see the SOB back on the road and whipping a Ford don't get much better than that


Quoting: F Body

The MKB posse are waiting for this one, I really want to see the SOB back on the road and whipping a Ford don't get much better than that

yup same here, cant wait to get the motor next month.


Quoting: F Body
Quoting: FUBAR
Quoting: F Body
( If I didn't go to the gym every day I'd be Fubar )

Sorry Mate may be I was a bit blunt  

Its ok mate I took it lightly
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR

Its ok mate I took it lightly

sorry couldnt resist that one


Hmmmm New Years Res

1.  Like everybody keep the weight off
2.  Swim more
3.  Clean the car more
4.  Save money


Quoting: F Body

4 / Really need to get a new job, the current one is convienient and the the pays OK, but GM are just completley pissing me off. Permission to go to the toilet Sir

have a look on bound to be jobs for H&S if thats what you want to carry on doing

F Body

Quoting: Podette
3. Clean the car more

Pitty you don't live nearer :polishing:


Quoting: FUBAR
3 - Not to stay single

yup.... def very high on my list.....

F Body

Quoting: philoldsmobile
yup.... def very high on my list.....

Seems to be the most popular ?

What can be better than being a master of your destiny answering only to yourself ?


F Body

Quoting: F Body
What can be better than being a master of your destiny answering only to yourself ?

Quoting: philoldsmobile
many things...........

The grass is greaner on the other side LOL

F Body

I just come up with another resolution :

No more post whoring


Quoting: F Body
What can be better than being a master of your destiny answering only to yourself ?

Becoming a female is a tad drastic.

I've not really thought about any New Years resolutions.
Wouldn't mind a better paying job...


So the top 2 are not being single and getting a new job


1.Pay off credit card....
2.Use viper a bit more this year..
Sure thers more but cant think at the moment....


Quoting: VIPER
2.Use viper a bit more this year..

Ahh so we may see it more often down the meets this year then


Get a new job......Any numb nuts can do my job.....I need A challenge!


Camping at more shows instead of driving home....ultimately so I can drink more beer...


Quoting: Rob
Camping at more shows

a;ways welcome at camp MKB, who needs to go home we have pretty much every convinence anyways even the MKB cinema