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Started by rayc, January 05, 2006, 10:37:08 AM

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So! Tell me then.

Is this a private party or can anyone join in?

I wondered where you lot had got to.

Saw the thread about MIA and thought I'd better say hello!

Yes I know I'm in Kent but I can pretend to be with the "in" crowd cant I!;-)

Phil will give me a decent reference (I hope)

Nice site lads

Keep up the good work!



Quoting: rayc
So! Tell me then.

Is this a private party or can anyone join in?

Just a select few mate welcome along


MKB is open to anyone from anywhere - we even have a member in the states.

You're more than welcome to join in here, maybe even come to one of our meets.

We're in it for the cars and the banter, and none of the 'P' word.


Good for you Jamie

My sentiments exactly

Has Phil told you guys about the St Omer cruise being put together for October?

Details on AVO Site (Open invite) Weekend in France and booze cruising.
Young Phil is the expert on these matters!


I did see it, and would have been interested, but with the nipper I don't think it's practical this year.  Maybe a future run though....


Catch you later guys
Time for work!


Quoting: rayc
Catch you later guys
Time for work!

LOL thats just when the rest of us sign in!

Hi Ray & welcome i'm sure you'll find this place interesting & also full of
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Welcome to our little corner of the Internet, Mate.

You don't have to be MKB to be here . . . But owning a Camaro tends to help.

Hope you stick around - variety is the spice of life . . . . . OOO-er.


Hi Ray!

mary ann will like you, as you own the camaro's tarty sister - the smoulderturkey!

sterling chap is our Ray, the resident bootlegger!

and yes, get yerselves on the French trip!


Thanks for the Character assassination Phil!

Bootlegger indeed!

You aint seen the Old TA since she was painted have you!

Almost the same colour scheme now as the one Rebel bought off me!

Locked away in the garage now til I decide to either sell or take to a show or two and sell!


Hello Guys!

Thanks for the Hello's!


Quoting: rayc
Thanks for the Character assassination Phil!

yer welcome Ray... happens to me all the time!

cant wait to see the T/A - dont sell her, you know you dont want to....


Don't want to Phil. Got to!

Still got the white one to do and now got another blue one!


Well I'm not a guy LOL but Hello  


I'm a newbie toobie  


Hello MaryAnn!
Sorry my dear. Didn't mean to implicate you into the same group as the lads!

Your in with a great crowd. Met most of them (I think!)

So, I'll say Welcome to the Forum MaryAnn, Hope you enjoy your time in here!

art b

ello ray didnt see ya sneak in under the wire!
bootlegger pmsl
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Hi Ray,

Lots of 'faces' on here; and some decent banter too


Quoting: 2001SS
some decent banter too

P'ah !

I Feel insulted, now.


Quoting: Roadkill
Quoting: 2001SS
some decent banter too

P'ah !

I Feel insulted, now.

Yeah its half decent and you know it!


Quoting: incursus
Yeah its half decent and you know it!

thats an exageration mate


Well, maybe now a few of us "oldies" have been allowed in to keep an eye on you lot the postings can degenerate rapidly!;-)

What you theink then people!


Quoting: rayc
What you think then people!

mainly titties, somtimes cars and bikes.....


Wow, three things at once...

no wonder you're our rep.