US exchange rate !!

Started by EDGE, April 17, 2007, 05:30:38 AM

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£1 = $1.998

Time to buy stuff :)



Typical !

I'm outta cash.



Quoting: yorkshirespud
Very briefly yesterday it was $2

Quoting: Roadkill
Typical !

I'm outta cash.

That said I just brought a set of Outer bearings for the Caddy.

F Body

Quoting: yorkshirespud
Very briefly yesterday it was $2
\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Sure that wasn't the price of petrol ?
I see all the oil companies are talking the price up again too £1 a litre


Quoting: F Body
I see all the oil companies are talking the price up again too £1 a litre

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...



Mortgage's will be going up next month, then.

F Body

Today they are talking about it going as high as $2.10 over the next few weeks
Currently at 2.0058

Titsy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Pound reaches 26-year dollar high


Of course if you go back a few more years (from that previous 1980 high), you get into 'Life on Mars' land

The 'modern day' floating exchange rate that we know today has only existed since about 1973, a few years after the collapse of the gold standard system.

Before 1971(-ish), the value of the pound was permanently fixed at $2.41, which it had been set at in 1967.

That figure istelf was a devaluation of the pound from the previous fixed rates of $2.80 in 1949, and $4.03 (!) in 1945, which was a condition of the multi-billion post-WW2 loan from the US.

Edit: The previous 1981 high of over $2 was also followed 4 years later by an alltime low in February 1985 of $1.05 !!!


There will definately be a .25 rise in interest rates, followed by up to a couple more .25 rises over the next 6 months.

That's my guess.


i dislike interest rate rises.... although i have a fixed rate mortgage i cant see interest rates goin up and then back down in time for me to rearange at a low rate


Quoting: yorkshirespud
The previous 1981 high of over $2 was also followed 4 years later by an alltime low in February 1985 of $1.05 !!!

we can do without that...