Over my dead body

Started by yorkshirespud, September 05, 2007, 06:24:06 AM

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F Body

The whole population and every UK visitor should be added to the national DNA database, a senior judge has said.

It'll happen and be followed by everyone being fitted with a microchip so they can find out where and when we are

I'd guess that they'll start by taking DNA samples when Babies are born or frst registered and then follow on from there


Quoting: F Body
It'll happen and be followed by everyone being fitted with a microchip so they can find out where and when we are

May I redirect you to the title of the thread ...

F Body

Quoting: yorkshirespud
May I redirect you to the title of the thread ...

Well we already have the highest number of Government Agency owned CCTV camera's in the world

You may say over your dead body, but all that will happen is unless you have provided a DNA sample they'll refuse to give you a national insurance number etc.

Thing is it won't make much difference because the real criminals either won't get tested or will give false samples

My biggest concern is the acuracy of the whole DNA sampling system
It's already been proved in court that the "experts" said the sample was a match for one in five million ( lottery is 1 in 40 million ) and in some cases the match can as low as 1 in 140,000


Quoting: F Body
Well we already have the highest number of Government Agency owned CCTV camera's in the world

You may say over your dead body, but all that will happen is unless you have provided a DNA sample they'll refuse to give you a national insurance number etc.

No doubt. Though even before that, it's much more also likely that unless you have a black box fitted to your car for 'road pricing' you won't be able to get a MOT.

No matter. If the government choose to criminalise me as part of their enforcement of these draconian laws, so be it. I will become a criminal by default if necessary.

I've no doubt many other people feel exactly the same.


I have a feeling the majority of people dont care.  I mean who cares who has your DNA, it's just another bit of information that 'THEY' have on us.

'THEY' already know where we live, what we do, what we eat, what we watch, what we write on the internet..... err.. ermmm... isn't the govenment swell

I'm sure they'll never make DNA contribution mandatory, its just some judge voiceing his opinion..... just as finger printing has never been made mandatory.

'they' are watcing  


That said, I'm sure its all down to indervidual experiences...

If you, say, have a daughter whose been raped and the only way to find the ass hole who did it is his DNA.  you'd be begging the police to sample evey guy in the country to find him.... or am I wrong.

just a thought


Quoting: Kenny
I'm sure they'll never make DNA contribution mandatory, its just some judge voiceing his opinion..... just as finger printing has never been made mandatory.

Interesting comparison.

Finger prints will identify you and not really anything else.

DNA however, _can_ be used for all sorts of things, and the list is only going to grow. Insurance companies would love it - they'd be able to find out if you were at a higher risk of getting diseases.

Even if you assume the current people in charge are fair, what about any future ones?


Quoting: Pod
DNA however, _can_ be used for all sorts of things, and the list is only going to grow. Insurance companies would love it - they'd be able to find out if you were at a higher risk of getting diseases.

Even if you assume the current people in charge are fair, what about any future ones?

That's precisely the point.


Quoting: Pod
grow. Insurance companies would love it - they'd be able to find out if you were at a higher risk of getting diseases

This would be my worry... All of a sudden you can't get life assurance because you have a slightly higher chance of, say heart disease for arguments sake; even though you might live to be 100.

Now, because you can't get a company to sell you life assurance you're now unable to buy a home... Happy Days... NOT...


Apparently "Only short tandem repeats are stored in the NDNAD - not a person's full genetic code".... hmm this would make me feel ok about the database..

if it wasn't for the rest..."However, individuals' DNA samples are also kept permanently linked to the database and contain unlimited genetic information"


i am against it for the reasons allready stated "the man" cannot be trusted


as usual this is distorted to make it sound worse...

"The present database in England and Wales holds details of 4m people who are guilty or cleared of a crime."

also, every teacher, police officer and many public servants...

being on the database doesn't incriminate anyone...

TBH its not something i really care about either way.....

i wouldn't loose any sleep about it provided everyone was on it....


Quoting: Kenny
That said, I'm sure its all down to indervidual experiences...

If you, say, have a daughter whose been raped and the only way to find the ass hole who did it is his DNA. you'd be begging the police to sample evey guy in the country to find him.... or am I wrong.

just a thought

cant fault that logic...

rape would be a much easier crime to solve, that cant be a bad thing...


Quoting: philoldsmobile
cant fault that logic...

rape would be a much easier crime to solve, that cant be a bad thing...

A very naive view.

Here's a simple one from a different forum for you:

Burglar steals some of your possesions including a hanky you blew your nose on with your DNA, and then leaves it as the scene of a serious crime (like rape).

Your DNA was found there, you must be involved/guilty. Prove you weren't, prove your innocence. You can't? Tough. You must be guilty. Bye bye innocent until proven guilty ...


Quoting: yorkshirespud
Your DNA was found there, you must be involved/guilty. Prove you weren't, prove your innocence. You can't? Tough. You must be guilty. Bye bye innocent until proven guilty ...

to start yuor not gonna get a conviction from DNA found on a hanky when there will be DNA from the bodyfluids from a rape. You might well be part of the investigation but then you might well be questioned anyways without the DNA.

Quoting: Titsy
Now, because you can't get a company to sell you life assurance you're now unable to buy a home... Happy Days... NOT...

When you actually try and get life insurance you will find they already take a DNA sample for that exact reason mate. I have had 2 DNA samples taken when i have taken out life insurance policies they also have you taske a full medical and fill out a 30 page questionare. You will also find that they keep the DNA sample on file.

The whole issue is small in reality to the amount of information the government and bussiness already holds on an individual.

How many people have a nectar card? now lets look at this for a start. Not only do the companies involved with this card know what you buy,spend,age,address,sex they also know where you travel.

Who here has been to the USA in the last 5 years? well your photo and finger print data is already stored on a database shared across the world.

Anyone who thinks they can keep their lives private is nieve


Quoting: yorkshirespud
Here's a simple one from a different forum for you:

Burglar steals some of your possesions including a hanky you blew your nose on with your DNA, and then leaves it as the scene of a serious crime (like rape).

Your DNA was found there, you must be involved/guilty. Prove you weren't, prove your innocence. You can't? Tough. You must be guilty. Bye bye innocent until proven guilty ...

Who ever wrote that is obviously the naive one. DNA has not bearing on that scenario at all, they could have just taken your wallet. in fact DNA evidence would probably be what exonerates you (if you don't have an alibi)

Quoting: 55starchief
When you actually try and get life insurance you will find they already take a DNA sample for that exact reason mate. I have had 2 DNA samples taken when i have taken out life insurance policies they also have you taske a full medical and fill out a 30 page questionare. You will also find that they keep the DNA sample on file.

First Welcome back!  second wow, they didn't do that to me! I just filled in the form online and was covered!  Probably depends a lot on the level of cover, mine just covers the mortgage

F Body