Too many accidents at traffic lights.

Started by F Body, September 12, 2007, 12:02:56 PM

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F Body

The council of the West German town of Bohmte have decided to try dramatic measures to reduce the number of car accidents at traffic lights.
Following the example of Drachten in the Netherlands, all traffic lights and stop signs will be removed from the downtown area

Pedestrians will have the same standing as motorists on the town's roads, in a place which 13,500 cars pass through each day.
The EU have backed the idea, first thought up by the Dutchman Hans Monderman.
The project will cost €1.2m, half of which will be provided by the EU.


Quoting: F Body
Pedestrians will have the same standing as motorists

Yeah, bullsh!t.

I wouldn't be the one to test that idea.


That's a landmark 'art installation' on the edge of Canary Wharf, you doofus