Has PhilO joined Greenpeace ?

Started by F Body, September 13, 2007, 12:38:38 PM

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F Body

Just wondering because Greenpeace went to the Frankfurt Auto Show to demonstrate their distaste for automobiles

Here's another one they did in Berlin and knowing PhilO's liking of the E Class


Aaaawwwww, they're all PIGLET's!!!


Quoting: F Body
demonstrate their distaste

Looks like they love the car, they've turned them all into cute cuddly friendly piggy's


Good to see they have money to waste buying expensive cars and painting them pink. I wounder if they were green enough to use waterbased paints? or if they went with a solvent based


Quoting: 55starchief
Good to see they have money to waste buying expensive cars and painting them pink. I wounder if they were green enough to use waterbased paints? or if they went with a solvent based

and lets not even start on the carbon emissions in transporting the paint to the store, getting to the store to buy it, getting to the show, i'd say they bought the cars because no manufacturer on earth would allow you to do that to their cars, and of course the emissions in getting the protesters there...

fortunatley even greenies thing greenpeace are a bunch of tossers...