Roadkill's 1985 Cadillac

Started by Roadkill, October 02, 2007, 03:27:04 AM

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Anyway . . . In high winds () I successfully got the rear sections sprayed after work last night . . .

They look good . . problem is they now still stand out . . . . . . . . .

. . . . They're the shiniest, best painted parts on the F*cking car !!!

Unfortunately I could not mimic the orange-peel effect covering the rest of the car . . . <must try harder>


What you could try is to fade them in on the car mate


Quoting: 55starchief
What you could try is to fade them in on the car mate

Given the timescale I'm not gonna bother.

I did find myself contemplating rubbing down the trunk lid and respraying that last night !

At the end of the day it's tidy.  That'll do.


Quoting: Roadkill
It's called . . . . . "BLUE - GREY"  

Translated means grey with blue in it.

So, again, IT'S F*CKING GREY !!!

So that Blue with grey in it

therefore its Blue surely


Quoting: Incursus
So that Blue with grey in it

No.  Blue grey is like bluey grey.  ie Grey which is bluey.

The guy who colour matched it for me agreed it was grey, anyway.

art b

Quoting: Roadkill
The guy who colour matched it for me agreed it was grey, anyway

i think he was humouring you
he need his eyes testin too.............
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


I've been informed that something has arrived in the post . . should be my replacement emblems.

(Fingers crossed)

art b

ya takin it to the uk nats to sell...?
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
ya takin it to the uk nats to sell...?

If money allows . . It's not looking great, though . . .

I got the "Eldorado" badge on last night but I needed some different adhesive tape for the wreath badge (thanks Fubes).

Will get it finished tonight and take some pics.


Quoting: Roadkill
Will get it finished tonight and take some pics

All done - will take some pics later.


looked very nice at the weekend - much interest??


Quoting: ianjpage
much interest??

Alot of lookers - no buyers.


Quoting: Roadkill

Alot of lookers

Quoting: Roadkill
- no buyers


Just re-taken some pictures of the rear for her pending ebay auction.

It'll probably be the only bit of sun we get this week so I took advantage of it !

Shiny !

art b

looked good it a vert.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:




It's gone.

I feel quite sad really . . . especially when I saw her drive away . . . I was reminded of just how good she looks especially slowly cruisin in the dark (the lights just look cool).

I will honestly miss that car . . maybe like no other in such a short space of time.

She really was very reliable given the outlay . . . . I walked away over £330 in profit.

Still.  A sad day.


Can I have my Autoglym rubber care back now then...


Quoting: Titsy
Can I have my Autoglym rubber care back now then...

What's left of it, yeah.

Seriously, though, I'll sort you out re. that as I did use a lot.


yeah shame to see her go but at the end of the day its all £££££ in your hand!!


Quoting: Roadkill
I walked away over £330 in profit.

thats almost free motoring


Quoting: Motorama
thats almost free motoring

Weeelll.  If you add the tax and MoT and insurance I paid out (£99 + £30 + £230) it's pretty close !