Roadkill's 1985 Cadillac

Started by Roadkill, October 02, 2007, 03:27:04 AM

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I like to think it was the servicing . . . at least . . It had better be !

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
I like to think it was the servicing . . .

Your learning son


Been off sick again today, although am feeling better so have been doing odd light jobs.  Mainly to keep me sane and the fresh air's been great.

Anyway, the fan (blower) stopped working a while back, then starting working intermittently, then stopped again.

So, a few weeks back I pulled the bottom of the dash off to look for fuses (this was before the intermittent bit).

No joy - it doesn't appear to have its own fuse as such.  Then it started working so I assumed the switch, which was after-market as there was previous issues.

So I took the front of that area of the dash off.

I re-terminated the connectors as they looked a little crap.  then tried another switch I knew worked.


I then chased the wires (with multiple dodgy joins) giving them a wiggle and trying the fan as I went.

Finally ended up in the engine bay with an earth and the connection to the fan.

Earth seemed fine so gave the fan end a wiggle - hey presto - it started working.

There wasn't much I could do there, so I tidied the connection up a little and re-fitted.

The dash is back together - All good.


Also, I got the passenger side door open for the first time in months - probably more luck then anything but I oiled it up and it seems fine again, now.

Another job off the list before she goes up for sale.

I also just gave the roof a scrub . . although now I am knackered . . . . and coughing my guts up.

Will give it a boot-polish in the next couple of days.


Sounds like your on the mend, but still take it steady sounds like your still doing lots, take frequent rests & get better soon


Quoting: Podette
but still take it steady

Have been.

Well.  I tried a couple of bits on the roof to try and give it some sort of shine . . . . varied success but none brilliant.

It looks shinier, now, but patchy.

I'll try boot polish, next . . . .

I also attacked the exhaust . . . (which blows harder then a cheap chinese ho).

I had three bandages laying around but even I, a champion of exhaust bodgers, wasn't looking forward to this challenge . . .


Yes, that is daylight through the holes.


I ran out of bandages (I'll need another), used about a yard of wire and loads of bits of foil . . . .


Looks bad, but I'd estimate has reduced blow down by about 80% at least !

Which is incredible, considering !

It sounds a little quieter, too . . . . . I just hope it all holds together O.K when driven . . .


lol proper redneck engineer - love it



Quoting: Roadkill
Well. I tried a couple of bits on the roof to try and give it some sort of shine . . . . varied success but none brilliant.

It looks shinier, now, but patchy.

Yeah.  In the end that all washed off the next day - leaving white streaks down the car !

Quoting: Roadkill
I'll try boot polish, next . . . .

Just finished boot polishing the roof.

Pretty darn good, actually.

There's some minor patchy-ness but it looks a lot better.

There's a definate shine to it and it looks a lot darker.

I'm thinking I may well get some piccy's while she's looking O.K ready for a potential eBay ad.

Hopefully the boot polish will last a lot longer then the previous sh!te 'cos I don't want to be doing that at every pre-show this spring !

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
Looks bad,

It looks worse than bad

Hasn't anyone explained that you can't patch thin air

Another "quality" MOT


Quoting: F Body
It looks worse than bad


O.K - Some piccy's of the roof . . .

Before cleaning and "treating".

After initial treatment, then further boot polish treatment . . .


that looks a shed load better!!!


Got the rear end rubbed down and masked up this morning . . .

Have now primered and finsihed off a can of Upol I had so it looks funny but is fairly smooth . . .

Hopefully I'll get it back to grey by tonight . . . .

Have also been fitting custom trim to the carridge roof today, too.  So far very good . . . have done the back . . just need to prep the front.

Pictures will follow.


Have now fitted the front trim to the roof . . .

But it's raining a bit now . . . I hope the adhesive survives O>K - it was a pig enough as it was.

Still - if it works O.K I'll be highly recommending Halfords "Ricer Trim Tape" in the future.

Fingers crossed . . . .

I still hope to respray the rear but time is getting on and it needs to dry out quite a bit first . . .


Front trim :

Rear trim :

Note water beading on roof . . . boot polish works !


Just been out a wet sanded the back down - ready for primering back to grey.

Looked fairly clear so I went round with some kitchen towel drying the area . . . .

Then it started raining !

I've pushed the '58 as far back as I can get her and backed the Eldo up the ramps about 14" into the garage (enough to pull the roller-shuter down to protect it from the rain - hopefully).

I've only got about an hour of light let but am really gonna have ago at getting the rear finished.

I could end up painting it from inside the Eldo's trunk (there's no leg-room between the two Caddies . . . ).


Quoting: Roadkill
I could end up painting it from inside the Eldo's trunk

someone please give Sam a camera!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
someone please give Sam a camera!

She's not in yet . . .

Hurries out to start painting . . .


Rear end wet sanded after the Upol.

After drying it rained (!) so I shuffled the garage and moved the '58 back to keep the area out of the shower.

Bit tight.

Masked up - ready for (effectively) the top coat . . . . then it started spitting again . . .

. . . So I had to reverse the Eldo back into the garage and spray the back while kneeling IN the trunk !

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
So I had to reverse the Eldo back into the garage and spray the back while kneeling IN the trunk !

and took the picture


The result - not perfect (it's never gonna be without replacement panels, either) but I'm happy.

It's smooth and looks a lot better. Not bad for about two-three hours work . . . most of that was spent masking.


Quoting: F Body
and took the picture

Sammy came back just as I was starting !


looks a heck of  alot better with the trim and the paint on!!


Got the pimp-a-lishious wheel trims back on today . . . they look alot better with clean tyres and a bit of a shine to the car.

She just needs a clean and polish and she's ready for sale !


looking very nice now all tarted up