It's approaching that time of year again . . . .

Started by Roadkill, November 13, 2007, 09:55:09 AM

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That's right . . . the nights are drawing in . . . . the temperature is dropping . . . . cold days and freezing nights are here . . . .

And what does the Common British Roadkill do at this time of year ?

Head for warmer climates ?

Hibernate until the colds of winter have passed ?

Lock itself in a warm room with a Chicken soup ?


The Common British Roadkill must feed its desire to further mark its flesh with primative markings and symbols . . .

This is an overwhelming urge it faces every year, bizarrely, around this time.

The Common British Roadkill has been known to "skip" these seasons on occasion but the winter of '07-'08 is likely to be one where it returns to that which comes naturally.


I swore I'd never get another during winter but here I am with itchy bare skin and nearly TEN designs on the drawing board !!!

It's got to the point where I've stopped penning anymore down as the back log is so great . . . .

I can't resist anymore.

Cunning Plan

Quoting: Roadkill

Yeah DUDE..  I need another one.  I designed one back in the summer but never really got around to get it done, probably down to the fact I was never totally happy with it..  Still been thinking though..

I say if you think about it TOO much you can talk yourself out of it..  Should do like I did at 17 and just spontaionusly get one..  Although I dont like that one anymore and want to get it covered over

What you thinking?  Where you going to get it?
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: Cunning Plan
What you thinking?

I wanted a Tattoo since I was 15 . . . started designing it when I was 17 and finally got it when I was 19, I believe.

I knew the first one was important so took my family name as a chassis for the design.

I still love it today and certainly dont regret it.

I've had another two since . . neither of which I regret . . . although one I will be adding to (as was always the plan).

Quoting: Cunning Plan
Where you going to get it?

All of mine so far have been done at Bloodline in Conniborrow although some of the next ones will require more detail and I'm not 100% convinced the tattooist there can acheive what I'm after.

That said I'll be heading over to Next Generation in Stony next time . . looking to be sometime in December . . will hopefully be able to get into see them tomorrow . . .

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
I wanted a Tattoo since I was 15 . . . started designing it when I was 17 and finally got it when I was 19, I believe.

I knew the first one was important so took my family name as a chassis for the design.

I still love it today and certainly dont regret it.

I've always hated, no may hated is too strong a word, disliked my body, but never enough to tattoo or pierce it  

Still each to their own, may be in moderation but just look how ducked up Robbie & Beckham look\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>$plit/C_0_articolo_269424_listatakes_itemTake_0_immaginetake.jpg\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]$plit/C_0_articolo_269424_listatakes_itemTake_0_immaginetake.jpg\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>


Quoting: F Body

I've always hated, no may hated is too strong a word, disliked my body, but never enough to tattoo or pierce it

Still each to their own, may be in moderation but just look how ducked up Robbie & Beckham look

depends on the artist i guess check these out\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Hehehe, I knew it'd get a response from you, Martyn.

I look at it the same as cars ; I visualise and customise cars to suit my tastes . . . . Same with my body.

The only difference for me is that if you make a mistake with your car you can give it a respray . . a tattoo is for life, obviously.

That said none of mine have been quick decisions and I'm happy with them all.

I simply do not understand people who keep their bodies "stock".  Unless they're god-fearing people who don't want to turn up at the pearly gates for god to give them a telling off as to why they've ruined their body (yar-de-yar).

I intend to do as much with my life / in life as I can during my time.

Tattoos are just one of those for me.

Plus the feeling's addictive.


I'm just too indecisive to look at a design or to design something that I think:

a) that it suits me (this is quite a major one because I don't think anything would really suit me when it comes down to Tattoos)
b) that I like it
c) that I won't want to change it / regret it
d) and that all of the above will still apply in 'x' years time

I've thought for ages about an armband style tattoo like one of Deans but never fixed on something i really liked (see above)
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


def not a fan of tatoos at all, especially on women (sorry Sammy and Vicky! )

the same goes for excessive piercings, ears are ok, and maybe belly button on a girl, but thats about it..

Sammy Lou

Quoting: philoldsmobile
def not a fan of tatoos at all, especially on women (sorry Sammy and Vicky!  )


i personally prefer the look of clean pure flesh, a womans body needs nothing to make it more beautiful than it already is..

but a tatoo is simply to please the person its on, no one else


Just sat here watching Tattoo Wars, the whole process fascinates me

Sammy Lou

i love tattoos i am contemplating another one


Quoting: Sammy Lou

i love tattoos i am contemplating another one

i posted chris garvers website in my post above for you

Sammy Lou

found a good site yesterday cant remember the name but i googled it and it was first on the list


Deano you need to watch episode 1 of tattoo wars, it should be on your PC some cool hotrods and some even cooler tats


I want this when i have the money, im thinking lower calf for placment\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>

Sammy Lou


i probably wouldnt have the whole thing mainly the car and pinup


David Perry is a genius.  His pin up book is on my list . . .


Quoting: Roadkill

David Perry is a genius. His pin up book is on my list . . .

yup totaly agree with you there, thats why i need to find an artist who could do it justice. I have a couple of names but these guys ahve like 2 year waiting lists


Hmm, Maybe a trip to a Tattoo expo/show thing ?

Be interesting to see the talent here in the U.K . . .


Quoting: Roadkill

Hmm, Maybe a trip to a Tattoo expo/show thing ?

yeah, i went to one in san francisco a few years back and was blown away with what i saw. Combine that with the magazines and some of the TV shows i have seen really showcases the art


Well we missed the London show as it was back in october


This guy is probably one of the best pinup artists i have come across\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Quoting: FUBAR
a) that it suits me (this is quite a major one because I don't think anything would really suit me when it comes down to Tattoos)
b) that I like it
c) that I won't want to change it / regret it
d) and that all of the above will still apply in 'x' years time

Ditto.  Plus I have no artistic ability or imagination what so ever