CPU Question

Started by Incursus, November 14, 2007, 06:08:32 AM

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I currently have an AMD Athlon 64 3500+

Thinking of upgrading to Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4200+ £40

Will I notice much difference?

Don't think I will notice much on games but i'm finding my Laptop (Intel Centrino Due 2GHz) is faster for general use. but It does also have an extra GB of RAM.


I would say it was the extra ram and also the fact its probably newer than your PC, when was the last time you reformated and reinstalled windozzzzzzzzzz as i have found that can speed up a PC


What do you use the computer for?
How much ram is in the laptop and the AMD box?


Quoting: Pod
What do you use the computer for?
How much ram is in the laptop and the AMD box?

At the moment mostly Transcoding movies to DVD

Occasional gaming of course

Totaly drains the computer I can't use it for anything else while doing that.

1gb (upgrading to 2gb tonight so that should answer that question) in the AMD PC,  2gb in the Laptop.


Quoting: Incursus
Thinking of upgrading to Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4200+ £40

Plus I should get £20 for my old processor so the upgrade should only cost about £20.


I would do as you alreay doing (Upg the RAM) and if it gunna cost 20 quid i would just do it as TBH you should see some improvement with general windows so propb worth it

F Body

Quoting: Incursus
At the moment mostly Transcoding movies to DVD

Totaly drains the computer I can't use it for anything else while doing that.

Porn for the win


Quoting: F Body
Porn for the win

There's more to life than Porn...............

More Porn.....


Quoting: Incursus
Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4200+

I *think* thats the same processor that I have in my machine now... its a Socket 939 one... as modern as I could go & still use my cool AGP graphics card.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
I *think* thats the same processor that I have in my machine now... its a Socket 939 one... as modern as I could go & still use my cool AGP graphics card.

yeah basically thats what i'm thinking about.  the fastest cpu my mobo can handle that is under £50.

Ebay's about the only place you can find Socket 939 now afaik

Should keep my 3year old machine ticking over for a bit longer.


buy a mac...

i hate PC's, wish i'd never have spent out on this one.... doesn't do anything my old one didn't, total waste of money..


Quoting: philoldsmobile
buy a mac...

Yeah right for £20

Pay more get less no thanks.

Mac just doesn't cover my requirements.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
doesn't do anything my old one didn't, total waste of money..

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Cunning Plan

Just seen this today on HUKD, you might be interested?

http://www.hotukdeals.com/deal/54358/amd-athlon-64-x2-dual-core-6000-pro\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.hotukdeals.com/deal/54358/amd-athlon-64-x2-dual-core-6000-pro

Quoting: philoldsmobile
i hate PC's, wish i'd never have spent out on this one.

A proper PC set up right with decent hardware is fine.  Macs are good for people that dont want the hassle of customising / adjusting etc.  Much like consoles are good for gaming if you just want to put the disk in and play instead of putting one on your PC, adjusting the settings, downloading patches etc..

We always seem to get into the PC v Mac v PC v OSx v Windows v monkeys with sticks..  I think Macs are OK, but for the amount you spend on a Mac you can get a much faster PC.  That said, fruit machines are coming down in price latley, possibly due to the fact they are using intel parts now idk, but what do you do when you want to play a game, or put a new GPU in it, or upgrade the CPU, unless you spend lawts on a Mac tower, you cant.

Macs are good at what they do, providing an alternative to PCs and some of their designs are nice.  But, design still isnt enough to make me want to buy one, I want to be able to upgrade - CHEAPLY, play games, link up easliely to other devices etc etc.  For these reasons I wouldnt get a Mac, also the snobby factor puts me off A well set up PC is fine.  You can even install WinBlinds to change the GUI if you wanted to to make it look like OSx..  XP has its faults, but im sure OSx does too..  I havent tried Vista in any great detail yet, but from what I have read I dont think I will bother until they release SP1 as most people consider the first Vista as a buggy Beta.  But then that may be the hardcore geek xp fanbois!!  

1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


My ageing socket 939 mobo wont stretch to a 6000 (well ar least its not been tested by MSI yet) http://global.msi.com.tw/index.php?func=prodcpusupport&prod_no=587&maincat_no=1\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://global.msi.com.tw/index.php?func=prodcpusupport&prod_no=587&maincat_no=1  

Plus my best offer was accepted mine for £39.99 delivered


I use both machines and both OS, personaly im to old to spend my days messing with settings, lifes to short.

Your talking to somene who grew up on DOS 2.11 and was an official beta tester for windows 95 and according to microsoft the only person they knew of who managed to remove win95 without formating the harddisk or loosing any data i have also worked on unix platforms and netware.

I have a PC at work thats a PITA as its old, i have a new PC laptop at home i use occasionaly to run a couple of apps that are only written for windozzzzz i do have virtual PC on the MAC and it works exactly the same as a PC even down to the BSD, nothing funnier than seeing a windows enviropment crash on a MAC platform in a different window proving that the OS is not stable.

I have 2 macs a 12" powerbook i use for daily tasks ie surfing etc and a mac MINI that is used as a Video/Music server

When i upgrade the powerbook i will hav the bootcamp installed meaning i can boot in either OS thus making the PC laptop redundant.

Im not a huge games player and believe that if you weant to play games buy a consol as thats what its designed for, you wouldnt buy a mini to move a wardrobe now would you

I do have a nintendo Wii and it works fine

As for upgrading GPU's the macs usualy have good GPU's as standard


cba tbh such a stupid argument.  Get the machine that meets your budget and requirements.  Simple as that really.

Cunning Plan

Quoting: 55starchief
Im not a huge games player and believe that if you weant to play games buy a consol as thats what its designed for, you wouldnt buy a mini to move a wardrobe now would you

I do have a nintendo Wii and it works fine

Consoles are designed for communial gaming, like a bit of Fifa with your chums or Gears of War slit screen, which is awesome

But when no one is around to play (games) with, what do you do?  Play against the AI or online.  But why play console games on your own when you can play on the PC against other people and the AI with cheaper games, that are customisable.  For example, Counter-strike is just a modification to Half-life.  You cant get mods on consoles for games, its buy a disk for £xx or dont play.  I have a few games that are run from the HL2 or quake engine, but are total modificaitons to make them a whole new game - for free!!

Quoting: 55starchief
As for upgrading GPU's the macs usualy have good GPU's as standard

Thats probably true, but at the rate that components are being launched, it will become quite old quite quick, BUT, I think this is only when you are playing games on it, for example, the new 8800GT/S cards are supposed to be the shizzle, but are still only getting 10fps when playing high-content games like Crysilisshss or however you spell it  I think if you just want your Mac for a bit of photoshopping, watching some movies, then use a console for gaming, its great.  But if you want to play games on your computer, its got to be PC.

A lad at work who was very Mac bias has just installed Vista on his Mac as he said it was too much hassle running emulators to get Windows proggys to run on OSx.  He said the processing power was increased loads when you have to run things through an emulator compaired to running it straight from the Mac OS.  He is one of these people that like to have system graphs running to see what the computer is doing and when

Quoting: 55starchief
spend my days messing with settings

Admitted, it has taken me a few hours to get my PC to how I want it.  But ive heard Vista improves this kind of issue.  If Lynux didnt have compatablity problems, I would probably be installing Ubuntu.  But like you, I dont want that learning curve and set up for hours.  You must of spent time on your Mac installing the browser you want, renaming files, setting home pages, setting up media players etc?

1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: Cunning Plan
Consoles are designed for communial gaming, like a bit of Fifa with your chums or Gears of War slit screen, which is awesome

But when no one is around to play (games) with, what do you do? Play against the AI or online. But why play console games on your own when you can play on the PC against other people and the AI with cheaper games, that are customisable. For example, Counter-strike is just a modification to Half-life. You cant get mods on consoles for games, its buy a disk for £xx or dont play. I have a few games that are run from the HL2 or quake engine, but are total modificaitons to make them a whole new game - for free!!

All of the new consols offer online play or thats what they advertise

Quoting: Cunning Plan

A lad at work who was very Mac bias has just installed Vista on his Mac as he said it was too much hassle running emulators to get Windows proggys to run on OSx. He said the processing power was increased loads when you have to run things through an emulator compaired to running it straight from the Mac OS. He is one

With boot camp its not an emulator the system boots in OS X or windozzzz

Cunning Plan

Quoting: 55starchief
All of the new consols offer online play or thats what they advertise

Yup I think most do, well I know the 360 does for definate through XB Live..  I was explaining about the games that you potentially get for free if you are using a computer through modifications, you just cant get that kind of community on a console.  I would rather play on a PC on my own against other people on the net than on a console over the net.  

OK well I just totally destroyed my argument by finding the website that I use to get my game modifications from, now has console mods!!  http://www.moddb.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.moddb.com  

Anyway, PC does work and plays games, console only plays games.  One device for all things and all that shiznit..

We have an old XB downstairs but it doesnt get used as noone has the time anymore,
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: Cunning Plan
Anyway, PC does work and plays games, console only plays games. One device for all things and all that shiznit..

however, it does both jobs badly...

Cunning Plan

Quoting: philoldsmobile
however, it does both jobs badly...

lol.. No you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  you and your whole organisation sucks!!

Lets just agree that a monkey with a stick will beat all..

1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


the monkey is actually evil