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Man Flu.

Started by F Body, November 28, 2007, 12:38:51 PM

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F Body

Although I've been trying to avoid catching Managements cold which she's had for the last three weeks I've failed !
I've been talking to the back of head ( no change there then ) and only letting her out of the cupboard under the stairs to cook dinner
But I now admit I'm about to die because I have Man Flu


i've had acase of the sniffles today... i'm in mortal danger of developing man flu....

i should have a flu shot (its free for me) but i'm just too damned chicken!


Quoting: philoldsmobile
i should have a flu shot (its free for me)

Yeah, they say the elderly are more at risk . . .


apparently i'm 'vulnerable'

F Body

Quoting: philoldsmobile
i should have a flu shot (its free for me)

Stay well away from that, although they state that it can't give you Flu unless you already have the virus, I had the jab about four years ago and was really sick. Spent the first few days coughing up brown liquid and sweating like a pig , had two weeks away from work ( my first time ever ) and was still feeling crap when I went back.

Personally I think it's more of a placebo effect on most people


yeah, that definatley is a concern.... Fubar got typhoid from a typhoid immunisation IIRC..

mum has hers every year no probs though


Quoting: F Body
Stay well away from that

Had it a couple of years ago at work.....Superb.  Lasted about 18 months before I even got another cold.


Can't remember the last time I had a cold.

I remember having flu a couple of times many years ago.  Not something you forget

Of course I just jinxed that and I'll be a complete snot bag over christmas