oops, what have i started!

Started by philoldsmobile, December 02, 2007, 07:27:11 AM

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love this reply on page 2!

Quoting: Adetouno
Doesn't seem to apply to drivers of other nationalities' cars though, does it? Drive a Seat? Do you chuck donkeys off of church towers? BMW? Invade other main dealers' showrooms? Renault? Bet your wife's hairier than an orang-utan.
Maybe it's time for a back-lash.


so why are you in this scene then Phil you are realy starting to piss me off at the minute theres nothing wrong with your alphas jap bikes or whatever but theres plenty of forums that cater for that stuff why do feel the need to ram you current thinking down eveyones throat we can all read tech specs off the internet and claim we are an automotive oricle just becuase some american forums dont want your euro car ideals plastered everywhere it does not mean they are any less progressive in their thinking than you believe you are

wtf is it with you at the minute you seem hell bent of anoying as many as possible

and if people want to dress like elvis the fonze wave flags, have dreamcatchers or whatever at shows thats their business who cares while you are in your huddle with your clan of armchair experts sniggering at the inferior masses those people are just getting on with enjoying themselves

if anyone ever needed to get themselves a blow job its you

sorry about the rant MKB but he needs a leash this not the Phil i know and love


and I dont buy Skippy because its made in the US, i buy it because its nice!!


There is an argument for both sides.  But then we do live in a free thinking society.....


I've got to say, I agree entirely with Phil's original point the first entry of the thread. What is annoying is the assumption by many that if you drive an american car you must be into the 'lifestyle' too, because of the dominance of a certain type of static show in the Uk as opposed to clubs that encourage the actual use of the vehicles doing what they were made for. I love the cars, but the 'lifestyle' makes me vomit.

Of COURSE everyone to their own, and people want to dress up as cowboys that's their business, but it's not anything I want to be part of OR associated with.


Quoting: yorkshirespud
I've got to say, I agree entirely with Phil's original point the first entry of the thread. What is annoying is the assumption by many that if you drive an american car you must be into the 'lifestyle' too, because of the dominance of a certain type of static show in the Uk as opposed to clubs that encourage the actual use of the vehicles doing what they were made for. I love the cars, but the 'lifestyle' makes me vomit.

Of COURSE everyone to their own, and people want to dress up as cowboys that's their business, but it's not anything I want to be part of OR associated with.

thats fine and i agree to a certain extent about the assumption that yank owners line dance ect however that attitude comes from non yank owners not people in the scene what i am objecting to is the snide superior comments in that thread, people can do what they like whether Phil approves or not and he for one should know better given his history

theres enough people disaproving of everything these days why should we add to it

Big Mouse

Quoting: Gator
so why are you in this scene then
Why does owning an american car mean you have to be in 'this scene'? And why are so many people who do immerse themselves in 'the scene' so touchy

I got fed up with it all when I got a torrent of abusive emails when I cut up my Z28 like it was some sort of special vehicle just because it was american.


Quoting: Big Mouse

I got fed up with it all when I got a torrent of abusive emails when I cut up my Z28 like it was some sort of special vehicle just because it was american.

Indeed after all it was only a chevy All joking aside if its your car its got fcuk all to do with anyone else what you do to it. I dont care what anyone thinks about what i do with my cars. If i want to break them up and take 7 years to restore them so what, its my car and my time


They are my cars and I can do to them what I will.
Plus I can eat ******* Skippy if I like!!! If ya dont like it shove it up yer ass!!


Quoting: nick69
Plus I can eat ******* Skippy if I like!!! If ya dont like it shove it up yer ass!!

I can't stand peanut butter, but can I please pass on step 2...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
I can't stand peanut butter

Dude, peanut butter is the best!!!


Quoting: FUBAR
I can't stand peanut butter, but can I please pass on step 2...


peanut butter rocks... what was the point of this argument again?


Quoting: EDGE
what was the point of this argument again?

who knows, philo was going off on one


Quoting: Big Mouse
Why does owning an american car mean you have to be in 'this scene'? And why are so many people who do immerse themselves in 'the scene' so touchy  

I got fed up with it all when I got a torrent of abusive emails when I cut up my Z28 like it was some sort of special vehicle just because it was american.

never said anyone had to be in the "scene" to do anything thats my point people can do what they want if you cant to cut up a car its not my business

and touchy definately not unless im being told that i dont fit into a 20 somethings pigeon hole idea of what a normal yank owning person should be, i dont do dream catchers or wolf t-shirts either this is Philos december rant it happens every year i think its hormonal


I must say I'm thoroughly in the middle, here.  I love my fifties and sixties cars . . I love Rock n' Roll and Rockabilly.  I love some of the fashions associated with the era, too.  So I suppose you could say I was into the scene . . . .


I DO NOT like the fake fluffy Grease take on things.  This is NOT how it was (all singing and merry) and this is not real.

Sure, if you've got a truck stick lights and flags on it, cool, that's your motor . . . Airbrush the thing too, looks good sometimes.  But this ain't American . . . it's the U.K-take on American.

Kinda like during the early 80's when all the Teddy Boys were wearing Pink and leopard sink Drapes . . ? WTF ?  Looking back now every Ted is embarassed by that period.  It wasn't real . . merely some bizarre "take" we put on something.  (Even stranger as the "Ted" is a British thing anyway . . )

So there I am.  I may fly a Southern flag at times, turn up in a beaten old Caddy . . . I may even be wearing my Brothel creepers or cowboy boots (and yeah, I eat skippy, too) but that's as far as I go.

You may see me in a leather jacket but it won't say "T-Birds" on it.


Quoting: Gator
this is Philos december rant it happens every year i think its hormonal


I love what I do. I enjoy what I do, I dont need anyone with without a life to tell me what to do or who I can associate with and why. Forgive me if Im wrong but isn't that how MKB really formed? Freedom of expression and the right to do what I want with whome I want when I want.

Now I really like Philo, I really do, but in this particular case he is trying to act like a little demigod and edits his posts (on pistonheads) so many times I wonder if he retracts statements to fit the argument he lamely preaches. Maybe he should wear a dog collar when doing so, oh I forgot, Ive seen the pics. Sickening, should nt be allowed dressing up like a dog.


Quoting: mechanic
Forgive me if Im wrong but isn't that how MKB really formed?

Hell yeah,

Thats exactly what we are about, we have to be one of the most social groups around, not many weekends that at least 60% are together. The cars as i see are an added bonus to the MKB for me its the people who i am happy to call my friends

Cunning Plan

1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: nick69
Dude, peanut butter is the best!!!

Hell yeah

Bought somea butt load of skippy from costco didn't really rate it....In fact I couldn't even finish the jar

Sainsburys own brand crunchy wholemeal for me


Big Mouse

Have I missed part of Philos original post?? I can't find any reference to him saying no one is allowed to dress up or wave flags, just that he finds its embarrasing to be associated simply because he also drives an american car. Its just not his way of enjoying car clubs, that doesn't make him a car nazi!

I know it politically incorrect nowadays to have a different view from anyone else in case their feelings get hurt or you offend their religion but this is taking it too far - its a car club ffs.


Quoting: Big Mouse

Have I missed part of Philos original post?? I can't find any reference to him saying no one is allowed to dress up or wave flags, just that he finds its embarrasing to be associated simply because he also drives an american car. Its just not his way of enjoying car clubs, that doesn't make him a car nazi!

Indeed then its not the problem of those people but the issues phil has with people thinking that he is the same. You wont change a persons stereotype of american car owners so why worry about what people think.

If your that paranoid ytou wouldnt do or own anything incase some one thought the wrong thing about you.

As for talking about european cars on an american car website and not getting a friendly response well duh what would you expect, its like going to a veggie forum and discusing the merits of a nice rump steak.

This is why there are places like piston heads where the car marque doesnt matter, and even this forum to some extents.

Most american based forums tend to be pro domestic, which is fine after all it is their country and their heritage