BMW 320d reliability problems....

Started by philoldsmobile, December 21, 2007, 12:48:11 PM

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philoldsmobile\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

i had noticed a lot of 3 series at the side of the road broken...

10k repair bill? OUCH!!!!


Doesn't surprise me, i know my dads 530d had 2 turbos,3 injectors,AC compressor and the day after he traded it in the jag garage called him and said the head gasket had gone and BMW wouldnt stand the warranty as it had been traded.there was also an issue where for some reason all the windows would go exactly half way down when you were away from the car. He questioned BMW and the local dealer said yes they had come acrss the fault and reflashed the ecm which cured the faut. Now this might seem isolated bu 2 other people had the same car as my dad with the same problems in fact one of them had the windows go down one night only to come down to his ar in the morning and finding 6" of water in it, his dealer said there was no fault ut when he spoke to my dad he faxed the service notes across the dealer had to r install a complete leather interior

art b

bm's aint wot they used to be,
lots of other makers have raised the bar...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


I got the same model and year BMW that is mentioned there and i have read the posts before.

BMW will do goodwill repairs and i got me a warrenty from a 3rd party that covers the turbo well the entire engine / car for even wear and tear.

But shit happens and you deal will it, apart from the limited number of problems and sold-problems = 0.1%

You want to see real problems have a look at the laguna II or renault in general -\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

see what i mean

oh and an obligatory pic of said car

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: