amvo forum revamp and change of URL

Started by philoldsmobile, December 24, 2007, 04:55:28 AM

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was\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">   now\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


i always wondered why it wasnt like that in the 1st place


the URL or the forum?

personaly my first impression is the old forum was far better, this is not a nice layout, avatars and postcounts etc appear on the right hand side of the posts, not the left, and its not as clear.

Vbulliten or mini BB FTW, all others FTL


The URL, nearly every forum is always /forum


Quoting: philoldsmobile

personaly my first impression is the old forum was far better, this is not a nice layout, avatars and postcounts etc appear on the right hand side of the posts, not the left, and its not as clear.

Damn thats nasty, sorry amvo guys


yeah, sucks in a big way doesn't it...

there are lots of tweaks in the pipeline, and considering the new forum has only been online a few hours, it seems its appearance has gone down like a lead balloon.. hopefully that can be changed, coz the old one was simple clean and functional..


I still find it hard to use other forums as the layout of this one is so easy, we even started to change the vbuletin layout on HCP to be more intuitive lke this one


yup, this forum is perfect for what we need..

gotta say, at the moment (and i stress at the moment as i know changes are imminent, although i have no idea what changes) thats gotta be the least intuative and most fussy forum i've seen...


bad move, people not happy...

really dont like whats going on over there right now..

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

What are these "other" forums of which you speak


The Musclecar forums had exactly the same response when they upgraded to the same forum.

The good news is it can be tweeked easily enough, it just needs someone to have the time to read the manuals.

art b

cuh .............. how hard can it be......
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


sorry dont like the new set up, only my opinion though and i know f*ck all


dont see what was wrong with the old forum?

damn sight better than this one...


Quoting: philoldsmobile

dont see what was wrong with the old forum?

I *think* its the same forum, just newer version of the software....could be wrong tho.......

It is very different to the old style tho.....not sure on it yet


I aint bothered tbh. At the end of the day as long as I can read stuff im happy.
Looks alright to me but im easy


Quoting: nick69
Looks alright to me but im easy

Would look better Black, though.


Hell yeah black is best. Ive got my firefox in black and IE7 in black and my TV and DVD and Cinema suround and sky HD box and monitor and PC and PC desk and keyboard and mouse and PS3 and 2 of m guitars and the smeg fridge and dishwasher etc etc etc etc etc etc

I can see a pattern!


art b

Quoting: nick69
I can see a pattern

is black a pattern....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
is black a pattern....

Hell yeah, I call Blactern!!

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


updated template available, looks soooooooooooo much better now - its called vista something or the other.