big thanks to philo

Started by art b, February 02, 2006, 12:20:54 PM

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art b

just like to post a thanks to that mileage whore in pink, phillis for making the trip to the northans meet last nite,

he seemed quite in demand for technical support from a few people, though t ried to keep in the shadows he found me in the end

the bar maids took a shine to his wierd dress sense pink fred perry style shirt!
im sure you lot give him the petrol money just to get him outta the mkb area!!
a good evening was had by all, very busy for the winter,
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
the bar maids took a shine to his wierd dress sense pink fred perry style shirt!

You mean you went into the Pub ?

I Thought that was illegal at Northampton Meets ?


gotta put the miles under the wheels eh!

good to see all the regualr n'hampton guys last night.....
