
Started by philoldsmobile, February 06, 2008, 02:53:21 PM

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in the worst kind of way... managed to soldier through the work day, finally admitting defeat at 4pm..

has now been joind by its friend

at this rate i'm gonna need an

on the plus side, its only wed, so i should have recoverd in time for sushi

F Body

What about and

Hope your feeling better soon


when not or i'm suprisingly comfortable... bit of a headache from dehydration, but its hard to keep any fluids down..

Sammy Lou



not god mate hope ya feel better soon

art b

stick a cork in it.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


F Body

Looks like he can still reach a keyboard

May be it's one of these :


recovering now.... dont want that shit again.. nucking fasty..

Big Mouse

welcome to Mr Novovirus, works both ends at once


that sounds about right,,,, is all over very quickly though..

Big Mouse

supposed to be very good as a crash diet I hear


also sounds about right...


Had something similar last year, lasted 12 hours, was absolutely scary at the time as there seemed to be no end to the madness, but damn I felt better after.....


I've got this cold bug again at the mo it started yesterday 3rd time in a month so not fair got sent home from work yesterday, trying not to give it to Pod again


oh no sorry to hear that jo, you do seem to be suffering alot with the ol cold and flu lately


Yup looks like my immune sys is shot at the mo, got a blood infection so on a mission to eat loads of fish & fruit to boost my immune system, need to be well for the LAN


damn, get well soon Jo.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
damn, get well soon Jo.