Started by Roadkill, March 14, 2008, 12:24:39 PM

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I've recently cut caffine from my diet.

I was doing great for the first 48 hours but last night ! - F*ck !

I was in bed by 11pm !

Hopefully my body sorts itself out soon 'cos I aint doing that every night !


You on a complete detox or something?




It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: Roadkill

Hopefully my body sorts itself out soon 'cos I aint doing that every night !

I dont know it has advantages

Big Mouse

Quoting: Roadkill
I was in bed by 11pm !  

Wait until you're my age, you'll dream of being able to stay up that late


Quoting: Big Mouse
Wait until you're my age, you'll dream of being able to stay up that late

or at least sleeping the whole night without needing to take a piss every 30 mins


Quoting: 55starchief
You on a complete detox or something?

No.  Giving up Caffine was something I thought I could do easily so it was a step in the right direction.

Needless to say I feel better this evening.


Quoting: Roadkill
Needless to say I feel better this evening.

Good for you man


I'm now eating three pieces of fruit a day, too . . . compared to none a day.

Trust me, my body is having a proper fit at the moment !


when i quit caffiene, it really hit me, i was almost asleep for a week solid, with a week long blinding headache, then couldn't sleep for a week solid, (with another blinding headache) was moody irritable and generally felt rubbish

having said that, i was drinking 4 cans of red bull, and 10 - 15 cups of coffee a DAY!

never never gonna go there again..

art b

ah yes philo the caffeine king.............

thats how you could prattle on about 3rd gens for so long....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
thats how you could prattle on about 3rd gens for so long....

And yet he's off the caffiene now, but the prattling on about Alfas is as fresh as ever