How far is TOO FAR ??? - (Been polishing my nut)

Started by Roadkill, April 03, 2008, 09:39:18 AM

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As some of you know I'm off work today with pleurisy.

Now, because of this I can't do anything heavy.  Even walking upstairs wears me out as I'm having to take "baby breaths" to avoid antaganising my situation.

So.  I've been keeping sane doing light bits and bobs (spray painting) in the back garden.
The fresh air (in between spraying) has made me feel alot better, add a few cups of herbal tea and I'm feeling quite comfortable (despite feeling like there's a layer of sand paper between my lungs and the inside of my rib-cage).

I'm happy with the slow progress on the Z28 parts I'm painting. I'm resting between each part, each coat but it's taking my mind off things . . . . . Maybe a little TOO much.

I was sitting, proudly admiring the work to the recon'ed steering box (it's looking good) and the shiny, freshly painted bugger of a pitman arm when I notice the rusty, crappy nut and split washer which will "hold" my shiny pitman arm on the new, shiny 'box.

Something needs doing, I reckon.

The nut and washer get scrubbed with a wire brush.  Slightly better - now I'm knackered.  I take a break.  
Next they're soaked in carb cleaner, scrubbed and inspected.
Still not good enough.
Out comes the wire brush again.
No good, knackered.  I rest.
Next I pull out the angle grinder and sit, gently grinding fresh, new shiny surfaces on the nuts' flats and then the washer, including it's circumferance.

Yeah !

I'm hoping that i'll be O.K to go to work tomorrow, I'm thinking . . . If I do I'll drop them in the Nickel tank for an hour or so.  Bling them up a bit, while adding rust protection, of course.

Then it dawned on me.

W-T-F ?

Does pleurisy affect the brain ?  Have I lost it ?  How far IS too far ?

Still, In my defense, it should look good . . . . Plus I was waiting for paint to dry, anyway.


Quoting: Roadkill
The fresh air (in between spraying) has made me feel alot better

Using the apporiate safety gear I hope


ha ha its spread to your brain, you'r making Martyn look like a slap dash bodge merchant


it's wuite normall dude.... quite normall.....

so how clean do parts need to be before they get dropped in to the nickle tank ?


Quoting: EDGE
so how clean do parts need to be before they get dropped in to the nickle tank ?


We have a degreaser at work but that's all it does - degrease.

It doesn't de-sludge or de-grit.

Quoting: Incursus
Using the apporiate safety gear I hope

Oh, yeah.

I'm breathing through my nose - the body's self-made breathing filter.

Red bogies 4 teh win !!!111


the bits i'd like done arent grungy at all.... just tainted metal colour.... theres a bit of grease but i'd try to get rig of that first..


Quoting: EDGE
just tainted metal colour

That can sometimes go with plating . . sometimes not.



Hope your feeling better by sunday dude, we need you there.

We wont be able to call our self's the biker mice form mars if there's only two of us.

Seriously, who ever heard of the two musketeers?


I'll be O.K.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right ?


Quoting: Roadkill
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right ?

dibs on the bike


Quoting: Shifty

Hope your feeling better by sunday dude, we need you there.

We wont be able to call our self's the biker mice form mars if there's only two of us.

Seriously, who ever heard of the two musketeers?

hahahaa quality

Quoting: Incursus

Quoting: Roadkill
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right ?

dibs on the bike

nah too late its got to be not dibs


Quoting: ianjpage
nah too late its got to be  not dibs

sure if you want to sit next to me while I ride

Too slow, chicken marengo! Too slow for this cat  


Quoting: Incursus

sure if you want to sit next to me while I ride

Too slow, chicken marengo! Too slow for this cat

Hmm could easily modify it heheheheh

OK OK first one (out of us 2) to get CBT gets the bike

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
Then it dawned on me.

W-T-F ?

Have I got too close to F Body ? Have I lost it ? How far IS too far ?

Welcome to my world

art b

Quoting: Roadkill
Does pleurisy affect the brain ? Have I lost it ? How far IS too far ?

have you had pleurisy marty........
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:



Have now degreased and acid dipped my nut (and washer).

They've been plating for just over an hour so far . . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
acid dipped my nut

that must have hurt

Quoting: Roadkill

They've been plating for just over an hour so far . . . .

mm shinyu thing!!


i must get those parts in to a bucket of degreaser today :)

F Body

Quoting: EDGE
i must get my nuts in to a bucket of degreaser today :)



Now been in for two and a half hours . . . .